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Author: Alain Destexhe

Dr. Alain Destexhe and Dr.Thierry Bal, are Research Directors at the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), a governmental research institution in France. Their laboratories are located in the CNRS campus of Gif-sur-Yvette in the research unit (Unité de Neurosciences Intégratives et Computationnelles, UNIC). Gif-sur-Yvette is solely devoted to research and provides an ideal environment for close interaction between theory and experiments, as exemplified by the numerous publications on dynamic-clamp experiments co-authored by Bal and Destexhe. Each editor holds Ph.D.s in both biophysics and neurobiology, respectively. Dr. Destexhe is also Chief Editor of the Journal of Computational Neuroscience.

8 Ebooks by Alain Destexhe

Alain Destexhe & Michelle Rudolph-Lilith: Neuronal Noise
Neuronal Noise combines experimental, theoretical and computational results to show how noise is inherent to neuronal activity, and how noise can be important for neuronal computations.  The boo …
Alain Destexhe & Thierry Bal: Dynamic-Clamp
Dynamic-clamp is a fascinating electrophysiology technique that consists of merging living neurons with computational models. The dynamic-clamp (also called “conductance injection”) allows experiment …
Erik De Schutter: Computational Modeling Methods for Neuroscientists
A guide to computational modeling methods in neuroscience, covering a range of modeling scales from molecular reactions to large neural networks.This book offers an introduction to current methods in …
Alain Destexhe: Le Mouvement flamand expliqué aux francophones
Le mouvement flamand a joué un rôle fondamental dans la transformation de la Belgique. Pour comprendre la position flamande sur Bruxelles, les « facilités » et BHV, il est nécessaire d’en revenir à …
Alain Destexhe: Syndicats
Grèves à répétition dans les transports publics, arrêts de travail récurrents dans divers secteurs stratégiques, piquets de grève dans la grande distribution, destructions de bien privés, …
Alain Destexhe & Terrence Sejknowski: Thalamocortical Assemblies
During sleep, the mammalian brain generates an orderly progression of low frequency oscillations as the brain moves from sleep onset into deep sleep. This book explores the underlying neural …
Alain Destexhe & Terrence Sejknowski: Thalamocortical Assemblies
During sleep, the mammalian brain generates an orderly progression of low frequency oscillations as the brain moves from sleep onset into deep sleep. This book explores the underlying neural …