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Författare: Jin-Chen Camilla Wang

Jin-Chen Camilla Wang has an MD degree from National Taiwan University and an MS degree from Purdue University. She is board certified in pediatrics, clinical genetics, and clinical cytogenetics. Her postdoctoral training includes Cornell University (biochemistry, molecular, and cell biology) and Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical School (genetics). Dr. Wang has published many scientific articles and authored two chapters in a genetics reference book. Recently retired from a fulfilling first career in genetics, she is finally free to pursue her first love of creative writing.

2 E-böcker av Jin-Chen Camilla Wang

Jin-Chen Camilla Wang: The Triumphant Life
Spanning more than forty years and over two continents, it is a novel set in the historical background of the latter part of the twentieth century. At age four, Nan fled from the Communist China to …
Jin-Chen Camilla Wang & 王金城: The Triumphant Life – A Story of Love and Courage
這是一部文學小說。除了真實的歷史事件,所有人名及故事均屬虛構。 故事發生於二十世紀的後半部,延伸四十餘年,跨越亞美兩洲。 1949 年末,四歲的蘭跟隨母親及姊弟自中國大陸來到台灣與父親重聚。她在物質微薄但愛心滿溢的環境裡成長。大學畢業後,她到美國的 Cornell康乃爾大學繼續攻讀?究所。在那裡和一群同住一屋的五位男性研究生結為好友,他們之間的關係及友誼為她帶來意料之外的苦難及考驗,他們的聰 …