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Tác giả: Umland

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The author: Dr. Anna Kutkina studied Political Science, International Relations, Nationalism, and Gender Studies in Vancouver, Paris, Budapest, Glasgow, and Helsinki. Kutkina lectured at the University of Helsinki and Aleksanteri Institute. She is an advisor to the Internally Displaced Universities of Ukraine research platform and member of the Gift of Life Foundation. Her papers have been published by, among other outlets, Politiikasta, the Canadian Urban Institute, and Discursus Platform: Centre of Social Design. The author of the foreword: Professor Juri Mykkänen is Vice-Dean for Faculty Disciplines at the University of Helsinki.

58 Ebooks bởi Umland

Anna Kutkina: Between Lenin and Bandera
On 8 December 2013, Ukraine’s central Lenin monument in Kyiv was pulled down. In the following months, in what became known as the “Leninfall, ” Ukraine swept away hundreds of communist monuments, …
Eleonora Narvselius & Julie Fedor: Diversity in the East-Central European Borderlands
Built on up-to-date field material, this edited volume suggests an anthropological approach to the palimpsest-like milieus of Wrocław, Lviv, Chernivtsi, and Chişinău. In these East-Central European …
Regina Elsner: The Russian Orthodox Church and Modernity
The Russian Orthodox Church (ROC) faced various iterations of modernization throughout its history. This conflicted encounter continues in the ROC’s current resistance against—what it perceives …
Ivo Mijnssen: The Quest for an Ideal Youth in Putin’s Russia I
This important book analyzes the dubious role of the so-called Democratic Antifascist Youth Movement ‘Nashi’ in contemporary Russia. Part and parcel of the Putinist project of political …
Leonid Luks & Gunter Dehnert: Forum für osteuropäische Ideen- und Zeitgeschichte
Die Konstruktion, die [Marx] wählt, besteht letztlich darin, dass er Hegels Staatslehre zur Ideologie erklärt und seinen eigenen Theorien dem dann übriggebliebenen Hegelschen Abschnitt über die …
tiếng Đức
Marina M. Lebedeva: Russian Studies of International Relations
Recently, a renewed international interest in Russia as a world political actor has emerged. Against this background, it is useful to better understand how international relations and foreign affairs …
Leonid Luks & Gunter Dehnert: FORUM für osteuropäische Ideen- und Zeitgeschichte
„Wie viele deutsche Künstler und Intellektuelle verstand Thomas Mann den Ersten Weltkrieg als Reaktion des Bismarck-Reiches auf eine internationale Verschwörung des umgebenden Europa unter der …
tiếng Đức
Christopher Ford: UKAPISME – Une Gauche perdue
Les marxistes ukrainiens ont joué un rôle de premier plan dans la révolution ukrainien. Organisés au sein du Parti ouvrier social-démocrate ukrainien, ils ont construit un Parti communiste ukrainien …
tiếng Pháp
Bo Petersson: The Putin Predicament
Using the Russian president’s major public addresses as the main source, Bo Petersson analyzes the legitimization strategies employed during Vladimir Putin’s third and fourth terms in office. The …
Vasile Rotaru: Russia, the EU, and the Eastern Partnership
Even before the Ukrainian crisis, neither Russia nor the EU were content with their relationship. Despite economic interdependence, strategic partnership, official declarations of belonging …
Markus Soldner: Politischer Kapitalismus im postsowjetischen Russland
Wie und warum entstand nach dem Zerfall der Sowjetunion in Russland ein Regime des politischen Kapitalismus? Unter dem ersten Staatspräsidenten Boris Jelzin bildete sich im Ergebnis intransparenter …
tiếng Đức
Maria Lipman: Russian Voices on Post-Crimea Russia
Russia has changed dramatically since the beginning of this decade. This volume presents a unique collection of articles by Russian scholars and experts, originally published in Russian in the …
Franz Preissler: Positionsverteidigung, Imperialismus oder Irredentismus?
Instrumentalisiert Russland die russischsprachigen Minderheiten in den Nachbarstaaten Lettland, Estland, Georgien und Ukraine zur Verteidigung seiner Position als Großmacht oder für imperiale …
tiếng Đức
Marian Madela: Der Reformprozess in der Ukraine 2014-2017
Diese Monographie stellt eine tiefgehende Fallstudie des 2014 begonnenen Reformprozesses in der Ukraine dar. Sie diskutiert sowohl die politisch-ökonomischen Rahmenbedingungen als auch die …
tiếng Đức
Leonid Luks & Gunter Dehnert: Forum für osteuropäische Ideen- und Zeitgeschichte
Den Auftakt der Großen (innersozialistischen) Debatte (über die Oktoberrevolution) bildete ein Aufsatz Karl Kautskys, der eine Woche nach dem Umsturz in Russland, am 15. November, in der Leipziger …
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Leonid Luks & Gunter Dehnert: Forum für osteuropäische Ideen- und Zeitgeschichte
Zum 70. Todestag des russischen Philosophen Simon L. Frank Das E-Book Forum für osteuropäische Ideen- und Zeitgeschichte wird angeboten von ibidem und wurde mit folgenden Begriffen kategorisiert: …
tiếng Đức
Mikhail Suslov: Geopolitical Imagination
This timely book surveys key themes and tendencies in the development of conservative ideology in Russia. Mikhail Suslov argues that Russia’s historical experience of Westernization and the …
Daria Buteiko: Erinnerungsort: Ort des Gedenkens, der Erholung oder der Einkehr?
Kloster, Vorbild für den Aufbau des Gulag-Systems, Museum und schließlich wieder Kloster – die Geschichte der russischen Soloveckij-Inseln erscheint turbulent und zirkular. Wie ist der Ort heute zu …
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Lincoln E. Flake: Defending the Faith
Freedom of religious expression and assembly has never been under greater threat in post-Soviet Russia. The infamous Yarovaya Law of 2016 has made good on previous legislative endeavors to curtail …
Jakob Hauter: Civil War? Interstate War? Hybrid War?
This volume of collected papers takes stock of what has become known about the war in eastern Ukraine’s Donets Basin (Donbas) between April 2014 and mid-2020. It provides an introduction to the …
Steven Jobbitt & Zsolt Bottlik: Power and Identity in the Post-Soviet Realm
With the dissolution of the Soviet Union and the demise of the Cold War’s bipolar world order, Soviet successor states on the Russian periphery found themselves in a geopolitical vacuum, and …
Nikoloz Samkharadze: Russia’s Recognition of the Independence of Abkhazia and South Ossetia
The Russian Federation’s official acknowledgement of the independence of Abkhazia and South Ossetia in August 2008 has since been undermining both overall political stability in the Southern Caucasus …
Oksana Huss: How Corruption and Anti-Corruption Policies Sustain Hybrid Regimes
Leaders of hybrid regimes in pursuit of political domination and material gain instrumentalize both hidden forms of corruption and public anti-corruption policies. Corruption is pursued for different …
Leonid Luks & Gunter Dehnert: FORUM für osteuropäische Ideen- und Zeitgeschichte
Die Weimarer Reichsverfassung verstand sich als konsequent demokratisch. Sie kannte keine Bindung des Souveräns an vorgegebene Prinzipien oder Werte. Sie wollte ein demokratisch-offenes System. …
tiếng Đức
Julie Fedor & Andrey Makarychev: Journal of Soviet and Post-Soviet Politics and Society
Special Sections: Russian Foreign Policy Towards the “Near Abroad”and Russia’s Annexiation of Crimea II This special section deals with Russia’s post-Maidan foreign policy towards the …
Marta Dyczok: Ukraine Calling
This book is like a time capsule containing a selection of interviews that aired on Hromadske Radio’s Ukraine Calling show. They capture what people were thinking during a critical time in the …
Oxana Schmies: NATO’s Enlargement and Russia
The Kremlin has sought to establish an exclusive Russian sphere of influence in the nations lying between Russia and the EU, from Georgia in 2008 to Ukraine in 2014 and Belarus in 2020. It has …
Torben Waschke: Russland in Transition
Ein Großteil der russischen Elite ist bislang nicht in einer post-geopolitischen Welt angekommen. Diese Diskrepanz ist ein wesentlicher Grund dafür, dass die öffentliche Russlanddebatte in …
tiếng Đức
Mykola Riabchuk: At the Fence of Metternich’s Garden
This collection of essays reflects the personal experience of a Ukrainian intellectual engaged, since his Soviet-time youth, in a painstaking but fascinating process of the both cultural and …
Arve Hansen: Urban Protest
Urban space is an important part of the political environment—a place where people congregate to discuss, deliberate, and interact with each other. In times of great public discontent, people often …
Olexander Scherba: Ukraine vs. Darkness
This book draws on the author’s experience from 26 years of Ukrainian diplomatic service in, among others, Bonn, Berlin, Washington, and Vienna, and his work as a speechwriter to most Ukrainian …
David Mandel: “Optimizing” Higher Education in Russia
In 2012, soon after his election to a third presidential term as president, following a four-year stint as prime minister (to avoid modifying the constitution), and in the wake of an unprecedented …
Svitlana Biedarieva: Contemporary Ukrainian and Baltic Art
This volume focuses on political and social expressions in contemporary art of Ukraine, Estonia, Lithuania, and Latvia. It explores the transformations that art in Ukraine and the Baltic states has …
Olga Bertelsen: Russian Active Measures
The contributions gathered in this fascinating collection, in which scholars from a diverse range of disciplines share their perspectives on Russian covert activities known as Russian active …
Andrey Demartino: False Mirrors: The Weaponization of Social Media in Russia’s Operation to Annex Crimea
In his timely study, Andrii Demartino investigates the multitude of techniques how social media can be used to advance an aggressive foreign policy, as exemplified by the Russian Federation’s …
Tima T. Moldogaziev & Gene A. Brewer: Public Policy and Politics in Georgia
After the break-up of the USSR, the former Soviet countries took different paths. While many of them face severe economic problems or have become only questionably democratic, Georgia’s …
Daria Isachenko & Mikhail Minakov: Post-Soviet Secessionism
The USSR’s dissolution resulted in the creation of not only fifteen recognized states but also of four non-recognized statelets: Nagorno-Karabakh, South Ossetia, Abkhazia, and Transnistria. Their …
John-Paul Himka: Ukrainian Nationalists and the Holocaust
One quarter of all Holocaust victims lived on the territory that now forms Ukraine, yet the Holocaust there has not received due attention. This book delineates the participation of the Organization …
Olena Stiazhkina: Zero Point Ukraine
In her Four Essays on World War II, Olena Stiazhkina inscribes the Ukrainian history of World War II into a wider European and world context. Among other aspects, she analyzes the mobilization …
Andreas Umland: Ukrainian Dissidents: An Anthology of Texts
This anthology of seminal texts documents the development of the post-war anti-Soviet Ukrainian dissident movement. The collection is designed to introduce, via some crucial primary sources, Western …
Khromeychuk: Loss: The Story of a Dead Soldier Told by His Sister
This book is the story of one death among many in the war in eastern Ukraine. Its author is a historian of war whose brother was killed at the frontline in 2017 while serving in the Ukrainian Armed …
Julie Fedor & Andrey Makarychev: Journal of Soviet and Post-Soviet Politics and Society
Special Section: Issues in the History and Memory of the OUN IV  and Special Section: A Debate on “Ustashism, ” Generic Fascism, and the OUN I   Guest editors: Andreas Umland and Yuliya …
Aseyev: Heller Weg: Geschichte eines Konzentrationslagers im Donbass 2017-2019
2017 wird der ukrainische Journalist Stanislav Aseyev im okkupierten Donezk verhaftet und wegen "Extremismus" sowie "Spionage" zu 15 Jahren Haft verurteilt – unter anderem, weil …
tiếng Đức
Vakhtang Kipiani: Der Zweite Weltkrieg in der Ukraine
In diesem Band sind authentische Schicksale zusammengetragen: Vakhtang Kipiani legt eine faszinierende Sammlung von Berichten über zerstörte Träume, zerrissene Familien, Tote, Ermordete, Folter, …
tiếng Đức
Mykola Davydiuk: Wie funktioniert Putins Propaganda?
An wen richtet sich Putins Propaganda, und wie funktioniert sie? Was ist ein ‘hybrider Krieg’, und wie hängt er mit der ‘Russischen Welt’ zusammen? Wer ist auf technischer Ebene für Agitation …
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Dmytro Stus: Vasyl Stus: Life in Creativity
How to explain the mystery of fame? Many once well-known people who spent much of their lives at the core of historic events have fallen into oblivion since. The brilliant East Ukrainian poet and …
Olesya Yaremchuk: Unsere Anderen
Dieses preisgekrönte Buch über vierzehn ethnische Minderheiten handelt von der Regionalgeschichte und den persönlichen Schicksalen der Tschechen und Slowaken, der meschetischen Türken, der Schweden, …
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Oleksandr Mykhed: ‘Dein Blut wird die Kohle tränken’
Im Jahr 2014 besetzte die russische Armee mit Unterstützung lokaler Kämpfer Teile der beiden östlichsten Regionen der Ukraine, Donezk und Luhansk. Diese galten in der Sowjetära als das pulsierende …
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Marieluise Beck: Ukraine verstehen
Der Ruf des Maidan nach Recht und Freiheit rückte die Ukraine in das öffentliche Bewusstsein Deutschlands. Das Land, das in seiner Geschichte nur für einen Wimpernschlag seine nationale …
tiếng Đức
Mikhail Minakov: Inventing Majorities
The recent history of post-Soviet societies is heavily shaped by the successor nations’ efforts to geopolitically re-identify themselves and to reify certain majorities in them. As a result of these …
Rumena Filipova: Constructing the Limits of Europe
This comparative study harks back to the revolutionary year of 1989 and asks two critical questions about the resulting reconfiguration of Europe in the aftermath of the collapse of communism: Why …
Ildikó Eperjesi & Oleksandr Kachura: Shreds of War: Fates from the Donbas Frontline 2014-2019
In Eastern Ukraine, unfathomable human dramas have unfolded since 2014. Thousands died in the fighting. The homes of tens of thousands were destroyed. Many were captured and tortured, millions ousted …
Marc Dietrich: A Cosmopolitan Model for Peacebuilding: The Ukrainian Cases of Crimea and the Donbas
The responses to new political conflicts and wars that shape the post-Cold War order often remain informed by old patterns of thinking in terms of Realism, Liberalism, or critical theories. These …
Jakob Hauter: Russia’s Overlooked Invasion
The war in Ukraine did not start on 24 February 2022. It began eight years earlier in eastern Ukraine’s Donbas region. In his new book, Jakob Hauter investigates the escalation of violence in the …
Dirk Dalberg: Politisches Denken im tschechoslowakischen Dissens
Das politische Denken im östlichen Mitteleuropa gehört nach wie vor zu den vernachlässigten Themen der politischen Ideengeschichtsschreibung. Diese Lücke versucht Dirk Mathias Dalberg mit seiner …
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Edmund Griffiths: Aleksandr Prokhanov and Post-Soviet Esotericism
Aleksandr Prokhanov (born 1938) is a prize-winning novelist and also, as editor of the weekly newspaper Zavtra, a leading figure in Russian ‘imperial patriotism’. Ever since 1991, when he signed (and …
Alina Nychyk: Ukraine Vis-à-Vis Russia and the EU
This book investigates the making of Ukraine’s foreign policy towards the European Union and Russia between February 2014 and February 2015. To contextualize the events of the first year of the …
Serhiy Kvit: Media, History, and Education – Three Ways to Ukrainian Independence
This book comprises a collection of essays that shed light on some of the key humanitarian issues that have emerged in independent Ukraine since the fall of the Soviet Union. With a strong empirical …