
作者: Gill Sanderson

Gill Sanderson is really Roger Sanderson, an ex-college lecturer in English Literature and Outdoor Pursuits. He took early retirement to become a writer and has now written nearly fifty medical romances for Mills & Boon and Accent Press. Much of his medical information comes from three of his children; Helen is a midwife, Mark a consultant oncologist, Adam a medical supervisor. Roger divides his time between climbing in the Lake District and writing in Liverpool.

9 电子书 Gill Sanderson

Gill Sanderson: Cornwall – im Hafen der Liebe
Ein rätselhaftes Virus auf dem Traumschiff! Der Notruf, den Dr. Ed Roberts von Schiffsschwester Maddy erhält, klingt sehr ernst. Vor der Küste Cornwalls, nahe Penhally Bay, geht Ed an Bord. Tag und N …
Lilian Darcy & Joanna Neil: Julia Ärzte zum Verlieben Band 29
ERFÜLLE MEINEN HERZENSWUNSCH von DARCY, LILIAN Aus tiefem Koma erwacht Janey – und blickt in die sanften Augen von Dr. Luke Bresciano! Ist er der Grund, warum ihr Herz plötzlich schneller schlägt? Un …
Kate Hardy & Margaret McDonagh: Doctor’s Royal Love-Child / Nurse Bride, Bayside Wedding / Single Dad Seeks A Wife / Virgin Midwife, Playboy Doctor
Includes The Doctor’s Royal Love-Child, Nurse Bride, Bayside Wedding, Single Dad Seeks a Wife and Virgin Midwife, Playboy Doctor …
Gill Sanderson: Christmas at Rivercut Manor
Dr Mike Curtis was coming home to Rivercut. He was tired of London, wanted the peace of the North Yorkshire Moors. He wanted to look after daughter Bethany and perhaps free himself from the memories …
Jennifer Taylor & Gill Sanderson: Julia Collection Band 166
In der Cornwall-Klinik im malerischen Penhally Bay werden nicht nur Menschenleben gerettet, sondern auch Herzen geheilt. AM STRAND DER TRÄUME von JENNIFER TAYLOR Heimlich träumt Alison von einem Gl …
Josie Metcalfe & Melanie Milburne: FINDING FOREVER SAYING I DO EB
Fighting for their future Dr Ed Tremayne hasn”t been home for a long time. Now he”s back—and he”s needed! A virus outbreak on a stranded cruise ship in Penhally Bay is threatening lives. Lives …
Caroline Anderson & Anne Fraser: FINDING FOREVER COLLECTION EB
The Finding Forever Collection from Mills and Boon Including the titles:Finding Forever: An Unexpected Bride Finding Forever: Falling for the Rebel Finding Forever: The Doctor’s Surprise Gift Finding …
Caroline Anderson & Anne Fraser: FINDING FOREVER & SECRETS EB
A heartwarming double collection of romances from Mills and Boon!Including the collections Finding Forever and Secrets and Seduction Titles include:Finding Forever: An Unexpected Bride Finding …
Margaret McDonagh & Kate Hardy: Die Bräute von Penhally Bay – Teil 5-8 der Miniserie
DIE PRINZESSIN AUS CORNWALL von KATE HARDY Melinda könnte die Welt umarmen: Sie hat ihr Herz verschenkt. An Dr. Dragan Lovak – ihre große Liebe. Doch sie hat ein Geheimnis. Schon tausendmal hat sie …