
Autor: Alexander Demetrius

Alexander Demetrius’s literary experience is primarily influenced by Joseph Campbell who, during his lifetime, was one of the world’s foremost authorities on global mythology. Using Campbell’s monomyth or hero’s journey, Demetrius discovered that critical events from his past paralleled the typical sequence of events found in practically every narrative throughout the world. The Reward of Not Knowing is an account of Demetrius’s memoirs, transformed into an epic journey that began in San Antonio, Texas, and spans across the Pacific Ocean to Honolulu, Hawaii, where he currently resides. What makes his journey unique is that much of it took place within, where so few ever voyage. Through careful reflection and examination, he overcame some paralyzing characteristics that once constrained him to a life of insanity, orchestrated by his mother who suffers from dissociative identity disorder or multiple personalities.

1 Ebooks von Alexander Demetrius

Alexander Demetrius: The Reward of Not Knowing
The Reward of Not Knowing is for anyone who feels that the life they’re currently living isn’t the one that has been waiting for them. Learn how to transform doubt and fear into courage and certainty …