
Autor: Bernie Wyatte

Bernie Wyatte was born in Bronx, New York and raised in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. She was an early childhood educator before shifting to children“s publishing. She wrote her first children“s story after family members and friends heard her freestyle stories that she would tell the children at gatherings. Since then, her storytelling skills have improved, but she likes to think her writing ability has too. After earning a master“s degree in Adult Education from Capella University, she continued to work in aviation, as an analyst. But she always returned to storytelling and writing. Her children“s book, „I Don“t Like Mondays!“ is published by Ingramsparks. Her latest project is „Buddy the Boxer, “ she is assembling which is a three series book about a boxer puppy name Buddy. Though she“ll forever be a Philadelphia girl at heart, she now lives in Grand Prairie Texas. If she“s not working on her latest story, you can find her reading, photographing, or indulging in her healthy addiction to traveling to new lands. Bernie is a freelance writer, children“s book author and photographer.

1 Ebooks von Bernie Wyatte

Bernie Wyatte: I Don’t Like Mondays
Meet Sharon- a bright and starry-eyed eight year old that loves the world and everything in it. Except Mondays. Her Mondays seem to have a routine even an Army General would be envious of- stub her …