
Autor: Guilaine Bell

During a tragic event at the age of five, Guilaine Bell heard the Lord’s voice for the first time, which shielded her from the impending harm. As a result of that experience amongst others, she has been endowed with a godly passion for children, where she has become an advocate for their spiritual, emotional, mental, and psychological development. In her role as a guidance and mental health counselor, Guilaine has over twelve years of experience in helping the whole child heal. On a personal note, Guilaine has three children of her own and a loving husband. Her oldest daughter has authored a book entitled “The Snake and the Tooth.” In her most important role as a parent, her conviction is to “train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it” (Prov. 22:6, KJV). She is currently working on her next children’s publication.

1 Ebooks von Guilaine Bell

Guilaine Bell: My Other Father, Abba Father
Knowing God can be a difficult concept for children to understand and embrace. Abba Father shows children how they can talk to God frequently throughout their day-to-day lives and teaches kids that …