
Autor: Jeffrey Burch

Jeffrey Burch has BAs in Biology and Psychology and an MS in Counseling. His Master“s thesis research explores topics related to psychosomatic conditions.Jeffrey long served on the Rolf Institute Ethics committee, was on the Rolf Institute board of directors and currently serves on its research committee. He founded the International Association of Structural Integrators (IASI) Journal. Jeffrey completed the apprenticeship to teach Barral visceral manipulation. He trained in three schools of cranial work. He developed new methods to release fibrosities in joint capsules, bursas and tendon sheaths. He offers foundational and advanced courses in assessment methods and treatment methods.

1 Ebooks von Jeffrey Burch

Jeffrey Burch: Assessment and Treatment Methods for Manual Therapists
Effectively assessing clients and knowing how to treat them is the cornerstone of manual therapy. This practical and informative book gives clear and detailed information about these two steps. The b …