
Autor: Michael Schatzki

Michael Schatzki is an experienced professional negotiator. He has conducted negotiation training seminars and workshops for businesses, nonprofit organizations, and professional groups throughout the United States and in 28 countries internationally. He also provides consulting services to organizations on specific negotiating problems. He has developed and conducted custom designed negotiation skills seminars for sales, purchasing, insurance, personnel, finance, training, engineering, contracting, real estate, government and regulatory relations, various professional groups, and general management. He is the author of Negotiation: The Art of Getting What You Want, originally published by Signet Books, and the Master Sales Negotiator audio-video program. Michael Schatzki received his BA, magna cum laude, from Haverford College, and an MPA from the Woodrow Wilson School of Princeton University. He can be reached at

1 Ebooks von Michael Schatzki

Michael Schatzki: Negotiating with Winning Words
You are about to go into an important negotiation. You have done your homework and you have a plan and a strategy. But now you are face to face with the other person. What should you say, when should …