
Autor: Richard D. Edgerly MD

Dr. Edgerly MD, is a Board Certified, Christian, Family Medicine Physician who practices in rural Washington State. Always appreciating what a little humor does to freshen the soul, he has written a collection of stories that have occured over the years in his practice and he hopes that they will also make you laugh. He majored in Bacteriology and Public Health at Washington State University before pursuing a career in Laboratory Medicine and then Medical Business Management. After losing his mind, he entered medical school at the University of Washington School of Medicine. He is married and has three wonderful children who are starting families of their own.

1 Ebooks von Richard D. Edgerly MD

Richard D. Edgerly MD: Just a Spoonful of Laughter Helps the Medicine Go Down
Just a Spoon Full of Laughteris a great read for anyone thats been to a doctors office and made it out alive. Written by an actual physician, it will keep you in stitches (no pun intended) from one …