
Autor: Carmen Diaz-Amigo

BERT POPPING is the Director of Molecular Biology and Immunology at Eurofins Scientific Group. Dr. Popping is a member of the AOAC International Presidential Taskforce on food allergens, the AOAC General Referee for Food Allergen Methods, leading the Allergen Working Group within the European Sixth Framework Programme Moni QA, and is a member of several national and international working groups. He is a member of the Scientific Advisory Panel for the American Association of Cereal Chemists (AACC), and is on the Board of Directors for the AOAC Research Institute. CARMEN DIAZ-AMIGO is a Research Biologist with the Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition at the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. She has been involved in the strategic research planning of the FDA. She is a member of several national and international working groups including the AOAC International Presidential Taskforce onfood allergens, and the Allergen Working Group within the European Sixth Framework Programme Moni QA. KATRIN HOENICKE is a Food Chemist and member of the management of the Eurofins Competence Center for Contaminants in Foods, WEJ Contaminants, in Hamburg, Germany. She is a member of several national and international working groups including the AOAC European Executive Committee.

1 Ebooks de Carmen Diaz-Amigo

Bert Popping & Carmen Diaz-Amigo: Molecular Biological and Immunological Techniques and Applications for Food Chemists
A guide to using molecular biology and immunological methods for the analysis of food Many of the analytical problems that food chemists face in the lab cannot be solved by chemistry alone, and so …