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Author: John Joseph Racine Jr

John Racine is an entrepreneur, author, and new human resources expert who has worked with some of the largest and most recognized names in the world including: The Walt Disney Company, The Boy Scouts of America, Marriott, Subway, Hilton, Enterprise, Quizno”s, Sheraton, Aaron”s as well as a host of online and offline business owners. Combining unique insights on business operations along with a strong background in human resources, John has made a major positive impact on each organization he has worked or consulted with. John is a sought-after public speaker who leaves his audience inspired, entertained, and armed with strategic tools to explode their business.

1 Ebooks by John Joseph Racine Jr

John Joseph Racine Jr: Rapid Business Acceleration Through Human Relationships
John Racine is recognized as one of the most knowledgeable and sought after business and human resources strategists. In Rapid Business Acceleration Through Human Relationships, you will discover s …