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Author: Kathleen O. Malley DC

Kathleen O”Malley, DC, is co-owner of O”Malley Health and Wellness Center located in North Grafton, Massachusetts, and has been helping others improve their overall health and well-being through health, personal growth, and spirituality. She has kept journal entries since childhood, allowing her to witness the underlying order in her own grace-filled life. She grew up in the Caribbean and now lives in Worcester, Massachusetts, with her husband and daughter. She credits this book to all of her children, who have made contact with her physically and spiritually.

2 Ebooks by Kathleen O. Malley DC

Kathleen O’Malley DC: Messages from Within
This is a story of Love. A mothers love and desire for a child she feels is supposed to be. It is a story of Hope. How infinite hope can be a blanket of peace. And, this is a story of Faith. How each …
Kathleen O’Malley DC: Messages from Children … and What They Can Teach Grown-Ups
and a little child shall lead them Early one Sunday morning, my daughter was cutting and pasting from a magazine as part of her second-grade homework assignment. She was singing, making up the wor …