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Author: Kenny J. Moncrieff

Not always been a fan of writing, at the age of 13 Kenny was a fan of both Anime and roleplays. Joining a Anime roleplay site, in order to earn points and get stronger you had to write stories. The average was roughly 1, 000points. Once Kenny had wrote his own short story called “The birth of evil” and submitted, he ended up being rated by one of the moodiest critics on the site who was lucky to go about the average. However enjoying its creativity, characters and style he had given the story a whooping 1, 000, 000pts! Since then Kenny has written many stories full of imagination and creative characters, continually being supported by his friends always believing his writing has potential. It is here he has come to Authorhouse hoping they help him share his books with the world.

1 Ebooks by Kenny J. Moncrieff

Kenny J Moncrieff: Chitso Samake
In a Steampunk Asian like world, there are those who gain the powers over specific elements such as wind, fire and things that aren’t really elements like machine and death. These people are called …