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Author: Lori Bakewell

Lori Bakewell has always been a storyteller. As a child, summer twilights were spent in her front yard tree where neighborhood friends listened to her latest creation. Heroines were strong-willed and not always well-behaved. Animals spoke to each other and their human companions. Lori”s belief in possibilities, both seen and unseen, still influences her writing. She is often found digging and daydreaming in the expanding gardens of the home she shares with one fine husband and one quirky cat. Lori is delighted to help Lola tell her story.

4 Ebooks by Lori Bakewell

Lori Bakewell: I Am Lola
I Am Lola is the heartwarming true story of the miniature horse who went from a backyard pet to a working therapy animal in Virginia. Go along with Lola as she moves to a new farm, meets new people, …
Lori Bakewell: Soy Lola
Soy Lola es la historia amable de un caballo en miniatura que vivía en una colina y llegó a trabajar en terapia en Virginia. Síguele a Lola mientras se muda a una granja nueva, le conoce a nueva gent …
Lori Bakewell: I Am Danny
I Am Danny is the humorous, moving story of a palomino horse who finds his forever human at the age of 11. During their 12 years together, Danny shows the world how he lives his best life by loving a …
Lori Bakewell: Soy Danny
Soy Danny es el cuento chisotos y cariñoso de un caballo palomino que se da con su humana ideal a la edad de 11. Durante sus 12 años juntos, Danny les desmuestra a todos como vive su mejor vida por a …