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Author: Meihwa Lin

MEIHWA LIN, a native of Taiwan, is an accomplished feng shui practitioner, educator, and lecturer. A speaker at the 2001 International Feng Shui Conference in Zurich, Switzerland, Ms. Lin is a frequent lecturer for the United Nations Staff Recreation Council in New York City. Prior to developing her feng shui practice, Ms. Lin was an executive with the New York Times. She is also the founder and President of ML Associates, as well as the designer of The Feng Shui Collection by Meihwa™ ( THE LEARNING ANNEX is the largest alternative adult-education organization in the United States. It offers short, inexpensive courses on personal growth, business and career opportunities, showbiz and media, health and healing, sports and fitness, spirituality, relationships, technology, and many other subjects.

2 Ebooks by Meihwa Lin

Meihwa Lin: The Learning Annex Presents Feng Shui
Literally translated as ‘wind-water, ‘ feng shui is the ancient Chinese art of working with the natural flow of an environment to create harmony in space. It is also a phenomenon across the United …
Meihwa Lin: Learning Annex Presents Feng Shui
Literally translated as "wind-water, " feng shui is the ancient Chinese art of working with the natural flow of an environment to create harmony in space. It is also a phenomenon across the …