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Författare: Alan J. Lichtenberg

MICHAEL A. LIEBERMAN, Ph D, is Professor in the Graduate School in Electrical Engineering at the University of California, Berkeley. He has published more than 170 journal articles on the topics of plasmas, plasma processing, and nonlinear dynamics. He has also coauthored, with Professor Lichtenberg, Regular and Stochastic Motion and Regular and Chaotic Dynamics, Second Edition. ALLAN J. LICHTENBERG, Ph D, is Professor in the Graduate School in Electrical Engineering at the University of California, Berkeley. A respected pioneer in the fields of high-temperature plasmas, plasma discharges, and nonlinear dynamics, he has published about 150 articles in these areas. In addition to the books coauthored with Professor Lieberman, he has written an earlier monograph Phase-Space Dynamics of Particles (Wiley).

1 E-böcker av Alan J. Lichtenberg

Michael A. Lieberman & Alan J. Lichtenberg: Principles of Plasma Discharges and Materials Processing
A Thorough Update of the Industry Classic on Principles of Plasma Processing The first edition of Principles of Plasma Discharges and Materials Processing, published over a decade ago, was …