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Författare: Claire Renzetti

Professor Claire M. Renzetti, Ph.D. is the Judi Conway Patton Endowed Chair in the Center for Research on Violence Against Women, and Professor and Chair of Sociology at the University of Kentucky. She is editor of the journal Violence Against Women; co-editor of the Interpersonal Violence book series ;(Oxford University Press); and editor of the Gender and Justice book series (University of California Press). She has authored or edited numerous books, chapters and articles in professional journals. Dr. Renzetti has held elected positions in the Society for the Study of Social Problems, the American Sociological Association, the American Society of Criminology, and the Eastern Sociological Society. Dr Diane R. Follingstad Ph.D. is the Executive Director and Women’s Circle Endowed Chair in the Center for Research on Violence Against Women, and a Professor of Clinical and Forensic Psychology in the Department of Psychiatry, College of Medicine at the University of Kentucky. Dr. Follingstad is Board Certified as a Forensic Psychologist, and has served as president of the American Board of Forensic Psychology, and as secretary of the American Psychological Association’s Division of Psychology and Law, which awarded her honorary fellow status. Her research has identified numerous challenges in measuring intimate partner violence, particularly psychological aggression and abuse, and has led to more sophisticated measures of this type of IPV. Ann L. Coker, Ph.D., MPH is the Verizon Wireless Endowed Chair in the Center for Research on Violence Against Women and Professor in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, College of Medicine and jointly in the Department of Epidemiology, College of Public Health, at the University of Kentucky. Her research focuses squarely on violence prevention. including a CDC-funded evaluation of an intervention to reduce dating and sexual violence in high schools across the state of Kentucky. This research has been extended with NIH funding to determine the longer-term efficacy of the Green Dot bystander program. She has held visiting researcher positions at the CDC and the World Health Organization in Geneva.

7 E-böcker av Claire Renzetti

Claire Renzetti & Diane Follingstad: Preventing Intimate Partner Violence
How can we prevent intimate partner violence (IPV)? And how do we define and measure “success” in preventing it? This book brings together researchers and practitioners from a wide range of fields to …
Diane Follingstad & Claire Renzetti: Preventing Intimate Partner Violence
How can we prevent intimate partner violence (IPV)? And how do we define and measure "success" in preventing it? This book brings together researchers and practitioners from a wide range of …
Claire Renzetti & L. Kevin Hamberger: Domestic Partner Abuse
This volume makes a signal contribution to understanding and treating couples’ abuse. The editors and contributors expand the models of abusive relationships to include the special concerns of gay …
Claire Renzetti: Feminist Criminology
Feminist criminology grew out of the Women’s Movement of the 1970s, in response to the male dominance of mainstream criminology – which meant that not only were women largely excluded from carrying o …
Claire Renzetti: Feminist Criminology
Feminist criminology grew out of the Women’s Movement of the 1970s, in response to the male dominance of mainstream criminology – which meant that not only were women largely excluded from carrying o …
Angela Gover & Susan Miller: Routledge International Handbook of Crime and Gender Studies
Criminological research has historically been based on the study of men, boys and crime. As a result, the criminal justice system’s development of policies, programs, and treatment regimes was based …
Angela Gover & Susan Miller: Routledge International Handbook of Crime and Gender Studies
Criminological research has historically been based on the study of men, boys and crime. As a result, the criminal justice system’s development of policies, programs, and treatment regimes was based …