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Författare: Swati Khurana

Katy Darby co-runs Liars’ League (www.liarsleague.com) and teaches Short Story Writing and Novel Writing at City University, London. Her first novel, The Whores’ Asylum, was published by Penguin in February 2012. Her personal website is www.katydarby.com. Katy is the co-editor of our Liars” League anthologies, London Lies, Lovers’ Lies, (award winning) Weird Lies and We/She

2 E-böcker av Swati Khurana

Piyali Bhattacharya: Good Girls Marry Doctors
GOOD GIRLS MARRY DOCTORS: SOUTH ASIAN AMERICAN DAUGHTERS ON OBEDIENCE AND REBELLION, edited by Piyali Bhattacharya, is the first anthology to examine the multiple facets of daughterhood in South …
Jennifer Rickard & Arike Oke: We/She
In Collaboration with Liars League. A celebration of the centenary of women in the UK getting the vote. Stories about women by women, which have been performed at one of Liars’ League’s events in …