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Author: Tommy Gentleman

TOMMY GENTLEMAN is an award winning entrepreneur, coach and speaker from the UK. He is the founder and owner of a fitness facility, the creator of ‘The Super Self Summit’ and the host of ‘Tommy G Talks’ on i Tunes. Tommy brings a contagious positive energy into everything he does and his events, videos, podcasts and books continue to motivate and encourage people to reach their physical, mental and emotional potential.

3 Ebooks by Tommy Gentleman

Tommy Gentleman: Back Yourself
‘Back Yourself’ represents an inspirational bridge into personal development for anyone who has the desire to overcome their challenges and live a healthy, happy, and more confident life. This …
Tommy Gentleman: Losing Weight Can Be a Beach
Losing Weight Can Be a Beach is a short and easy to understand book on how to get in shape the safe and effective way. There is a lot of misleading and confusing information out there, making it easy …
Tommy Gentleman: Science & Art Of Losing Weight
You deserve to feel good about your body. This book provides the tools to sculpt your body into a masterpiece. Losing weight is a something that so many people want, but few are actually successful. …