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Author: William Sheppard

I have thirty three years of professional experience which qualifies me to write this book. Seven of those years were spent as a pastor; thirteen years I served as a professor of theology and practical religion, eight of those thirteen years I was the chairman of the Theology Department. The remainder of the time I have been involved in private counseling practice, serving as an adjunct professor of Psychology, teaching correspondence and online courses in religion and psychology. I hold a Masters in Theology, a Masters in Marriage and Family Counseling, a Doctorate of Ministry, and two professional counseling licenses. My greatest qualification for writing this book is my personal relationship with my Heavenly Father, His Son, and the Holy Spirit. From this relationship comes a burning passion to share my understanding of the height and depth of the love that went to the point of death to provide for me a way back to eternal fellowship with them. Along with my wife, who also is a licensed therapist and one who has this fire burning within her, and another couple, we have formed a ministry called, “Knowing God Ministries.” We travel to wherever we are invited to present weekend seminars to share the treasure of knowledge we have discovered in the various names God calls Himself. We provide free study material to encourage people to study and make this relationship their own. Our web site is; our sermons and materials can be downloaded for free.

3 Ebooks by William Sheppard

William Sheppard: Snatched from the Jaws of the Enemy
This book is about a journey in knowing Him. It is easy to forget what Christianity is about; there is an enemy of our souls who wants to make sure of that. The essence of all Christianity is to know …
William T. Sheppard: The Kingdom’s Currency (How to Purchase Your Blessing)
People are often frustrated with trying to figure out how to receive God’s best for their life. But God has created a system of which we can tap into in our time of need of any sort. Just as …