
作者: Ashley Hales

Ashley Hales is a writer, speaker, pastor's wife, and mother to four. She holds a Ph D in English from the University of Edinburgh, Scotland, and she lives in the southern California suburbs helping her husband plant a church, Resurrection Orange County. Her writing has been featured in Books and Culture, Think Christian, (in)courage, The Well, the Englewood Review of Books, and at The Mudroom.

2 电子书 Ashley Hales

Ashley Hales: Finding Holy in the Suburbs
Suburban life—including tract homes, strip malls, commuter culture—shapes our desires. More than half of Americans live in the suburbs. Ashley Hales writes that for many Christians, however: ‘The …
Ashley Hales: A Spacious Life
We're told that freedom and opportunity are our ticket to the good life. Get out there and follow your dreams! Be the hero of your own story! Find your happiness! Live your best life! It seems …