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Tác giả: Nikolai Gogol

Ủng hộ
As a novel-writer and a dramatist, Gogol appears to me to deserve a minute study, and if the knowledge of Russian were more widely spread, he could not fail to obtain in Europe a reputation equal to that of the best English humorists. A delicate and close observer, quick to detect the absurd, bold in exposing, but inclined to push his fun too far, Gogol is in the first place a very lively satirist. He is merciless towards fools and rascals, but he has only one weapon at his disposal – irony. This is a weapon which is too severe to use against the merely absurd, and on the other hand it is not sharp enough for the punishment of crime; and it is against crime that Gogol too often uses it. His comic vein is always too near the farcical, and his mirth is hardly contagious. If sometimes he makes his reader laugh, he still leaves in his mind a feeling of bitterness and indignation; his satires do not avenge society, they only make it angry.

493 Ebooks bởi Nikolai Gogol

Nikolai Gogol: Overcoat and Other Short Stories
Gogol’s stories are admired for their skillful mingling of fantasy and reality, quiet good humor and use of mundane details — as Gogol put it — "to extract the extraordinary from the …
Nikolai Gogol: Inspector General
Considered the high point of Gogol’s writing for the stage and a masterpiece of dramatic satire, The Inspector General skewers the stupidity, greed, and venality of Russian provincial officials. When …
Nikolai Gogol: Taras Bulba
‘Taras Bulba’ is the story of its title character, Taras Bulba, an old Ukrainian Cossack and his two sons, Andriy and Ostap, who journey to Zaporizhian Sich located in Ukraine to fight Polish nobles …
Nikolai Gogol: The Collected Tales of Nikolai Gogol
Nikolai Gogol, an early 19th century Ukrainian-born Russian novelist, humorist, and dramatist, created some of the most important works of world literature and is considered the father of modern …
Nikolai Gogol: The Diary of a Madman and Other Stories
Nikolai Gogol, an early 19th century Ukrainian-born Russian novelist, humorist, and dramatist, created some of the most important works of world literature and is considered the father of modern …
Nikolai Gogol: The Overcoat and Other Stories
Nikolai Gogol, an early 19th century Ukrainian-born Russian novelist, humorist, and dramatist, created some of the most important works of world literature and is considered the father of modern …
Nikolai Gogol: The Gamblers and Marriage
Nikolai Vasilievitch Gogol, the Molière of Russia, was born in the sunny Ukraine in March, 1809, and died in Moscow forty-three years later. The author of Russia’s famous national comedy, ‘The …
Nikolai Gogol: Dead Souls (Translated by C. J. Hogarth with an Introduction by John Cournos)
First published in 1842, “Dead Souls” is the story of Chichikov, a young middle-class gentleman who comes to a small town in Russia with a dubious plan to improve his wealth and position in life. He …
Nikolai Gogol: The Overcoat and Other Stories
Nikolai Gogol, an early 19th century Ukrainian-born Russian novelist, humorist, and dramatist, considered the father of modern Russian realism, created some of the most important works of Russian …
Nikolai Gogol: Dead Souls
Dead Souls is eloquent on some occasions, lyrical on others, and pious and reverent elsewhere. Nicolai Gogol was a master of the spoof. The American students of today are not the only readers who …
Nikolai Gogol: The Mantle and other stories
As a novel-writer and a dramatist, Gogol appears to me to deserve a minute study, and if the knowledge of Russian were more widely spread, he could not fail to obtain in Europe a reputation equal to …
Nikolai Gogol: The Mantle and Other Stories
As a novel-writer and a dramatist, Gogol appears to me to deserve a minute study, and if the knowledge of Russian were more widely spread, he could not fail to obtain in Europe a reputation equal to …
Nikolai Gogol: The Inspector
Called “the greatest play written in Russian” by Vladimir Nabokov, Nikolai Gogol’s immortal comedy is a pitch-perfect satire of social corruption. Now, renowned American playwright Richard Nelson and …
Nikolai Gogol: Dead Souls
‘Dead Souls’ is the story of Chichikov, a young middle-class gentleman who comes to a small town with a dubious plan to improve his wealth and position in life. He begins by spending beyond his means …
Nikolai Gogol: The Inspector-General (The Government Inspector)
Based upon a personal anecdote recounted to Gogol by the great Russian poet Pushkin, ‘The Inspector-General’, also known as ‘The Government Inspector’, is a satirical play first published in 1836. It …
Nikolai Gogol: The Government Inspector: Full Text and Introduction (NHB Drama Classics)
Drama Classics series The world's great plays at a great little price. Each pocket-sized volume contains: a full introduction an author biography notes on historical and theatrical context …
Nikolai Gogol: Dead Souls
Chichikov, a gentleman of middling social class and position arrives in a small town and quickly tries to make a good name for himself by impressing the officials of the town. Despite his limited …
Nikolai Gogol: Viy
A young priest is preparing to spend three nights alone with the corpse of a dead witch and only his faith to protect him. He is ordered to supervise the waking of the dead witch in a small old …
Николай Гоголь: Вий
Три студента киевской бурсы отправились на каникулы заняться репетиторством. По дороге заплутали в темноте и попросили ночлега на отдаленном хуторе. Один из студентов, Хома Брут, по странной воле ста …
Ngôn ngữ Nga
Nikolai Gogol: Viy: English and Russian Language Edition
A young priest is preparing to spend three nights alone with the corpse of a dead witch and only his faith to protect him. He is ordered to supervise the waking of the dead witch in a small old woode …
Nikolai Gogol: Taras Bulba
The story follows an old Cossack, Taras Bulba, and his two sons, Andriy and Ostap returning home from an Orthodox seminary in Kiev. Ostap is the more adventurous, whereas Andriy has deeply romantic …
Nikolai Gogol: Diary of a Madman and Other Tales
Diary of a Madman is one of Gogol’s greatest stories. The tale follows the life of a minor civil servant during the repressive era of Nicholas I. Following the format of a diary, the story shows the …
Nikolai Gogol: The Government Inspector
The corrupt officials of a small Russian town, headed by the Mayor, react with terror to the news that an incognito inspector (the revizor) will soon be arriving in their town to investigate them. …
Nikolaï Gogol: Les Âmes mortes
Dans une ville provinciale de Russie, le mystérieux Tchitchikov offre aux propriétaires terriens de leur racheter leurs « âmes mortes » – leurs serfs décédés depuis le dernier recensement. Galerie de …
tiếng Pháp
Nikolaï Gogol: Le Révizor – Le Mariage
Créée à Saint-Pétersbourg en 1836, d’après une histoire racontée à Gogol par Pouchkine, Le Révizor est la plus célèbre comédie du théâtre russe : Khlestakof, un jeune voyageur, tout juste arrivé …
tiếng Pháp
Nikolaï Gogol: Veillées d’Ukraine
Sous le nom de l’apiculteur Panko le Rouge, Gogol signe avec ces veillées ses débuts littéraires. Il y mêle, dans une veine où le comique côtoie le fantastique, les souvenirs de son enfance, de ces …
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Nikolaï Gogol: Tarass Boulba
En douze chants, Gogol conte l’épopée du vieux Tarass Boulba et de ses deux fils, Ostap et André, partis de l’Ukraine avec tous les Cosaques zaporogues dans une guerre sans merci contre les Polonais. …
tiếng Pháp
Nikolai Gogol: Nikolai Gogol: The Complete Novels
This book contains the complete novels of Nikolai Gogol in the chronological order of their original publication. – Taras Bulba – Dead …
Nikolai Gogol: St. John’s Eve
This story is retold by Rudy Panko from Foma Grigorievich, the sexton of the Dikanka church. Rudy was in the middle of reading the story to the reader, when Foma butts in and demands to tell it his …
Nikolai Gogol: Die toten Seelen
Mit dem Werkbeitrag aus Kindlers Literatur Lexikon. Mit dem Autorenporträt aus dem Metzler Lexikon Weltliteratur. Mit Daten zu Leben und Werk, exklusiv verfasst von der Redaktion der Zeitschrift …
tiếng Đức
Nikolai Gogol: Petersburger Erzählungen
Mit den Werkbeiträgen aus Kindlers Literatur Lexikon. Mit dem Autorenporträt aus dem Metzler Lexikon Weltliteratur. Mit Daten zu Leben und Werk, exklusiv verfasst von der Redaktion der Zeitschrift …
tiếng Đức
Nikolai Gogol: Die toten Seelen
Der arme Pawel Iwanowitsch Tschitschikow bekommt nach entbehrungsreicher Kindheit und Jugend einen Anstellung im Büro eines abgelegenen Oberfinanzamt, macht Karriere dank Fleißes, gewandtem …
tiếng Đức
Nikolai Gogol: Petersburger Erzählungen
Es sind wunderliche Sachen, die vor der städtischen Kulisse St. Petersburgs geschehen: Hunde, die eine Briefkorrespondenz führen, eine Nase auf freiem Fuß, ein spukender Mantel Gogols literarische …
tiếng Đức
Nikolai Gogol: Erzählungen
Dieser Band beinhaltet die folgenden Geschichten des großen russischen Schriftstellers: Der Jahrmarkt zu Ssorotschinzy Johannisnacht Die Mainacht oder Die Ertrunkene Der verlorene Brief Die …
tiếng Đức
Nikolai Gogol: Die toten Seelen
Pawel Iwanowitsch Tschitschikow wächst in ärmlichen Verhältnissen auf, erhält nach entbehrungsreicher Jugend einen kleinen Büroposten in einem abgelegenen Oberfinanzamt, steigt mithilfe von Fleiß, …
tiếng Đức
Nikolai Gogol: Taras Bulba
Gogols historischer Roman handelt von dem Kosakenanführer Taras Bulba, dem es mit Hilfe der polnischen Armee gelingt, 1550 in der heutigen Ukraine die Türken zu besiegen. Doch er wird nach dem Sieg …
tiếng Đức
Nikolai Gogol: Der Mantel
‘Der Mantel’ ist eine 1842 veröffentlichte Kurzgeschichte des in der Ukraine geborenen russischen Schriftstellers Nikolai Gogol. Die Geschichte und ihr Autor hatten großen Einfluss auf die russische …
tiếng Đức
Nikolai Gogol: Aufzeichnungen eines Wahnsinnigen
Nikolai Gogol versteht es absurde und groteske Handlungen in einer originellen und einfühlsamen Sprache wiederzugeben. Bis heute gilt er als Meister der Groteske, der die russische Literatur …
tiếng Đức
Nikolai Gogol: Petersburger Erzählungen
Der Titel »Petersburger Erzählungen« besteht aus drei von Gogols Meisternovellen: »Der Newski Prospekt«, »Das Porträt« und »Der Mantel«. Drei ergreifende, vielschichtige Geschichten über Menschen und …
tiếng Đức
Nikolai Gogol: Gogol – Gesammelte Werke
Nikolai Gogol – die wichtigsten Werke des großen Schriftstellers auf Deutsch. Inhalt: Taraß Bulba Der verlorene Brief Die Nacht vor Weihnachten Schreckliche Rache Der Wij Petersburger …
tiếng Đức
Nikolai Gogol: Die toten Seelen
Die Geschichte folgt den Taten Pawel Iwanowitsch Tschitschikows, eines Herren mittleren Alters und mittlerer sozialer Schicht. Tschitschikow kommt in einem nicht namentlich genannten kleinen …
tiếng Đức
Nikolai Gogol: Dead Souls
Since its publication in 1842, Dead Souls has been celebrated as a supremely realistic portrait of provincial Russian life and as a splendidly exaggerated tale; as a paean to the Russian spirit and …
Nikolai Gogol & Sheba Blake: Dead Souls
Dead Souls is a novel by Nikolai Gogol. The purpose of the novel was to demonstrate the flaws and faults of the Russian mentality and character. Gogol portrayed those defects through Pavel Ivanovich …
Nikolai Gogol: Dead Souls
The Dead Souls written by Nikolay Gogol in 1842 is not only a masterpiece of Russian literature but also a deep timeless social satire. The plot is evolving around enterprising protagonist Mr. …
Nikolai Gogol & Constance Garnett: The Night Before Christmas
‘The devil flew up to the moon, reached out and tried to grab it, but must have burned his fingers, for he hopped on one leg, sucking on his hand. He walked around it and tried again from the other …
Nikolai Gogol: Dead Souls
Dead Souls has been celebrated as a supremely realistic portrait of provincial Russian life and as a splendidly exaggerated tale; as a paean to the Russian spirit and as a remorseless satire of imper …
Nikolai Gogol: Nikolai Gogol: The Complete Novels
This book, newly updated , contains now several HTML tables of contents that will make reading a real pleasure! The first table of contents (at the very beginning of the ebook) lists the titles of …
Nikolai Gogol: Dead Souls
Dead Souls is a socially critical black comedy. Set in Russia before the emancipation of serfs in 1861, the ‘dead souls’ are dead serfs still being counted by landowners as property, as well as …
Nikolai Gogol: Le journal d’un fou
Le journal d’un fou est un conte absurde dans lequel les personnages étranges laissent peu à peu place à leurs caractères réels, le rire cédant le pas à l’angoisse tout au long de ce journal. …
tiếng Pháp
Nikolái Gógol: La feria de Sorochinetz
Este cuento se publicó en un libro que lleva el título de "Veladas en un caserío de Dikanka" y que contiene otros siete …
tiếng Tây Ban Nha
Nikolai Gogol: Almas muertas
Es una obra escrita por Nikolai Gogol y publicada en 1842. Se considera por muchos como la primera novela rusa moderna. En"Almas muertas"se cuenta la historia de Pavel Ivanovich Chichikov, …
tiếng Tây Ban Nha
Nikolai Gogol: Diary of a madman
The story centers on Arksenty Ivanovich Poprishchin, a low-ranking civil servant (titular counsellor), constantly belittled and criticized for underachieving. He yearns to be noticed by a beautiful …
Nikolai Gogol: El abrigo
El abrigo es un misterio, un torbellino, un relato que no desvela ninguna clave y que puede sumir al lector, de hecho lo hace en cada página, en la confusión y el …
tiếng Tây Ban Nha
Nikolai Gogol: La feria de Sorochinetz
Este cuento se publicó en un libro que lleva el título de ‘Veladas en un caserío de Dikanka’ y que contiene otros siete …
tiếng Tây Ban Nha
Nikolai Gogol: Le journal d’un fou
Le journal d’un fou est un conte absurde dans lequel les personnages étranges laissent peu à peu place à leurs caractères réels, le rire cédant le pas à l’angoisse tout au long de ce journal. …
tiếng Pháp
Nikolai Gogol: Diary Of A Madman
Diary of a Madman (1835; Russian: Записки сумасшедшего, Zapiski sumasshedshevo) is a farcical short story by Nikolai Gogol. Along with The Overcoat and The Nose, Diary of a Madman is considered to be …
Homer & Dante Alighieri: 30 Masterpieces you have to read in your life Vol : 1 (A to Z Classics)
With A to Z Classics, discover or rediscover all the classics of literature.Contains Active Table of Contents (HTML)The first table of contents (at the very beginning of the ebook) lists the titles …
Edgar Allan Poe & Jane Austen: 50 Eternal Masterpieces of Gothic Fiction: Dracula, Frankenstein, The Call of Cthulhu, The Cask of Amontillado, Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, The Picture Of Dorian Gray…
This book, newly updated, contains now several HTML tables of contents that will make reading a real pleasure!The first table of contents (at the very beginning of the ebook) lists the titles of all …
Nikolai Gogol: Der Mantel
Der Mantel von Nikolai …
tiếng Đức
Nikolai Gogol: Die toten Seelen
Die Geschichte folgt den Taten Pawel Iwanowitsch Tschitschikows, eines Herren mittleren Alters und mittlerer sozialer Schicht. Tschitschikow kommt in einem nicht namentlich genannten kleinen …
tiếng Đức
Nikolai Gogol: Le journal d’un fou
Le journal d’un fou est un conte absurde dans lequel les personnages étranges laissent peu à peu place à leurs caractères réels, le rire cédant le pas à l’angoisse tout au long de ce journal. …
tiếng Pháp
Nikolái Gógol: Diario de un loco
Publicada en 1834, ‘Diario de un loco’ es una historia breve, pero que se compensa con lo hilarante y extraño de su contenido, muy al estilo de Nikolái Gógol. La historia está escrita a manera de …
tiếng Tây Ban Nha
Nikolái Gógol: La nariz
Publicado en 1836, ‘La nariz’ es un breve relato fantástico y divertido ideal para sacarlo a la calle y abandonarse a la imaginación y al humor de Nikolái Gógol. Un hombre pierde su nariz; se …
tiếng Tây Ban Nha
Nikolai Gogol: Les âmes mortes
Narrant sur un ton comique les aventures d’un petit escroc dans la Russie provinciale des années 1820, le roman est aussi une troublante dénonciation de la médiocrité …
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Nikolai Gogol: Le Nez
Une enquête sur une personne ayant perdu son …
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Nikolái Gógol: El casamiento
Nikolái Gógol es un referente de la literatura rusa. Escribió novelas, obras de teatro y cuentos cortos. En 1843 realizó un viaje a Palestina, y a su regreso un sacerdote lo convenció que su obra de …
tiếng Tây Ban Nha
Nikolái Gógol: El inspector
Ambientada en una pequeña aldea de una Rusia gobernada por el Zar Nicolás I, ‘El inspector’, narra los vaivenes y los desmadres de los habitantes de dicha aldea, a los oídos de los cuales ha llegado …
tiếng Tây Ban Nha
Nikolái Gógol: Almas muertas
Creador junto con Aleksandr Pushkin de la gran prosa rusa del siglo XIX que habría de prolongarse en Dostoievski, Tolstoi y Chéjov, Nikolái Gógol plasmó en ‘Almas muertas’ la misma visión ácida y …
tiếng Tây Ban Nha
Nikolai Gogol: Dead Souls
Since its publication in 1842, Dead Souls has been celebrated as a supremely realistic portrait of provincial Russian life and as a splendidly exaggerated tale; as a paean to the Russian spirit and …
Nikolai Gogol: Almas Mortas
Se Púchkin foi o grande poeta da literatura russa moderna, Nikolai Gogol foi o seu grande prosador e «Almas Mortas» o seu grande livro. Este escritor ucraniano imaginou uma grande obra épica que não …
tiếng Bồ Đào Nha
Nikolai Gogol: Taras Bulba
Taras Bulba, arquetipo del caudillo cosaco que, al ver amenazada su religión y sus territorios, resiste con fiereza a las hordas turcas, polacas y tártaras, tiene profundas raíces en la historia de …
tiếng Tây Ban Nha
Nikolái Gógol: Las Veladas de Dikanka
Creador junto con Aleksandr Pushkin de la gran prosa rusa del siglo XIX que habría de prolongarse en Dostoyevski, Tolstoi y Chéjov, Nikolái Gógol (1809-1852) inició su brillante andadura literaria …
tiếng Tây Ban Nha
Edgar Allan Poe & Jane Austen: The Gothic Novel Collection
The Gothic Novel Collection brings together 40 of the greatest gothic novels ever written. A must-have for any serious reader of fiction. The Gothic Novel Collection features: THE CASTLE OF …
Nikolai Gogol: El Viy
‘El Viy’ es uno de los cuentos clásicos de terror menos conocidos, a pesar de estar escrito por el maestro de las letras rusas, Nikolai Gogol. Esta edición incluye doce ilustraciones realizadas para …
tiếng Tây Ban Nha
Nikolai Gogol: Nikolai Gogol: The Complete Works
13 Complete Works of Nikolai Gogol A May Night Dead Souls How the Two Ivans Quarrelled Memoirs of a Madman ST. John's Eve Taras Bulba The Calash The Cloak The Inspector General The …
Nicolas Gogol: Le Nez
Chef-d’oeuvre du réalisme fantastique et incroyable satire burlesque, ‘Le Nez’, paru en 1835, est, pour Nicolas Gogol, l’occasion de faire voler en éclats une société composée de pantins pour qui la …
tiếng Pháp
Nikolai Gogol: Dead Souls (Centaur Classics) [The 100 greatest novels of all time – #25]
Nikolai Gogol's novel «Dead Souls» is a satire that exposes the corrupt "underbelly" of Russian nineteenth century society. On a superficial level, the title refers to the …
Nikolai Gogol: Le journal d’un fou
Le journal d’un fou est un conte absurde dans lequel les personnages étranges laissent peu à peu place à leurs caractères réels, le rire cédant le pas à l’angoisse tout au long de ce journal. …
tiếng Pháp
Nikolai Gogol: Dead Souls
Dead Souls (Russian: Мёртвые ду́ши, Myórtvyjye dúshi) is a novel by Nikolai Gogol, first published in 1842, and widely regarded as an exemplar of 19th-century Russian literature. The purpose of the …
Nikolai Gogol: Dead Souls
Since its publication in 1842, Dead Souls has been celebrated as a supremely realistic portrait of provincial Russian life and as a splendidly exaggerated tale; as a paean to the Russian spirit and …
Nicolas Gogol: Le Journal d’un fou
‘Le Journal d’un fou’ est une nouvelle de l’écrivain russe Nicolas Gogol écrite en 1834. Mêlant plusieurs genres littéraires, ‘Le Journal d’un fou’ est à la fois une nouvelle sous forme de …
tiếng Pháp
Nikolai Gogol: Almas Mortas
Se Púchkin foi o grande poeta da literatura russa moderna, Nikolai Gogol foi o seu grande prosador e «Almas Mortas» o seu grande livro. Este escritor ucraniano imaginou uma grande obra épica que não …
tiếng Bồ Đào Nha
Nikolai Gogol: Dead Souls
Gogol’s 1842 novel Dead Souls, a comic masterpiece about a mysterious con man and his grotesque victims, is one of the major works of Russian literature. It was translated into English in 1942 by …
Nikolai Gogol: Dead Souls
Nikolai Gogol: Petersburg Tales
Written in the 1830s and early 1840s, these comic stories tackle life behind the cold and elegant facade of the Imperial capital from the viewpoints of various characters, such as a collegiate …
Nikolai Gogol: Dead Souls
A mysterious stranger named Chichikov arrives in a small provincial Russian town and proceeds to visit a succession of landowners, making each of them an unusual and somewhat macabre proposition. He …
Nikolai Gogol: How the Two Ivans Quarelled and Other Russian Comic Stories
The first story in this volume, How the Two Ivans Quarrelled, is an amusing portrayal of two exceptionally close friends, the mortal insult that drives them apart, and the ensuing chaos that occurs. …
Nikolai Gogol: Dead Souls
In Imperial Russia, Chichikov, a middle-class man, arrives in a small town and approaches landowners to collect their "dead souls"-serfs who have passed away but who are still registered as …
Nikolai Gogol: The Inspector General
Classic satiric play. According to Wikipedia: ‘Nikolai Vasilievich Gogol ( 1809 – 1852) was a Russian writer of Ukrainian ethnicity. Although his early works were heavily influenced by his Ukrainian …
Nikolai Gogol: St. John’s Eve
Classic short story. According to Wikipedia: ‘Nikolai Vasilievich Gogol ( 1809 – 1852) was a Russian writer of Ukrainian ethnicity. Although his early works were heavily influenced by his Ukrainian …
Nikolai Gogol: Dead Souls
The classic satiric novel. According to Wikipedia: ‘Nikolai Vasilievich Gogol ( 1809 – 1852) was a Russian writer of Ukrainian ethnicity. Although his early works were heavily influenced by his …
Nikolai Gogol: Taras Bulba and Other Tales
This collection includes: Taras Bulba, St. John’s Eve, The Cloak, How the Two Ivans Quarrelled, The Mysterious Portrait, and The Calash. According to Wikipedia: ‘Nikolai Vasilievich Gogol ( 1809 – 18 …
Nikolai Vasilievich Gogol: Nikolai Gogol: 4 books in English translation
This file includes the novels Dead Souls and Taras Bulba, the play The Inspector General, and two collections of stories. The stories are: St. John’s Eve, The Cloak (AKA The Mantle), How the Two …
Nikolai Vasilievich Gogol: The Mantle and Other Stories
This collection includes: The Mantle (AKA The Cloak), The Nose, Memoirs of a Madman, A May Night, and The Viy. According to Wikipedia: ‘Nikolai Vasilievich Gogol (31 March 1809[4] – 4 March 1852[5]) …
Nikolai Gogol: The Night of Christmas Eve
This early work by Nikolai Gogol was originally published in 1832 and we are now republishing it with a brand new introductory biography. ‘The Night of Christmas Eve’ is a short story about a young …
Nikolai Gogol: The Inspector-General
This early work by Nikolai Gogol was originally published in 1836 and we are now republishing it with a brand new introductory biography. ‘The Inspector-General’ is a play allegedly based on an …
Nikolai Gogol: The Mantle and Other Stories
This early work by Nikolai Gogol was originally published in the 19th century and we are now republishing it with a brand new introductory biography. ‘The Mantle and Other Stories’ is a collection of …
Nikolai Gogol: Taras Bulba and Other Tales
This early work by Nikolai Gogol was originally published in the 19th century and we are now republishing it with a brand new introductory biography. ‘Taras Bulba and Other Tales’ is a collection of …
Nikolai Gogol: The Overcoat
From the Father of the Golden Age of Russian Literature, Nicolai Gogol’s The Overcoat is one of the greatest short stories of all time. This satire on Russia’s 19th century bureaucracy is amusing, po …
Nikolai Gogol: How the Two Ivans Quarrelled
This early work by Nikolai Gogol was originally published in 1835 and we are now republishing it with a brand new introductory biography. ‘How the Two Ivans Quarrelled’ is a short story about a …
Nikolai Gogol: The Mysterious Portrait
This early work by Nikolai Gogol was originally published in 1835 and we are now republishing it with a brand new introductory biography. ‘The Mysterious Portrait’ is a short story about a penniless …
Nikolai Gogol: A May Night
This early work by Nikolai Gogol was originally published in 1831 and we are now republishing it with a brand new introductory biography. ‘A May Night’ is a short story about a young man and his love …
Nikolai Gogol: Memoirs; or, Diary of a Madman
This early work by Nikolai Gogol was originally published in 1835 and we are now republishing it with a brand new introductory biography. ‘Memoirs; or, Diary of a Madman’ is a short story about the …
Nikolai Gogol: St. John’s Eve
This early work by Nikolai Gogol was originally published in 1830 and we are now republishing it with a brand new introductory biography. ‘St. John’s Eve’ is a short story about young lovers that are …
Nikolai Gogol: The Nose
This early work by Nikolai Gogol was originally published in 1835 and we are now republishing it with a brand new introductory biography. ‘The Nose’ is a short story about a St. Petersburg official …
Nikolai Gogol: The Viy
This early work by Nikolai Gogol was originally published in 1835 and we are now republishing it with a brand new introductory biography. ‘The Viy’ is a short story in which a philosophy student is …
Nikolai Gogol: Dead Souls
The classic satire of greed, corruption, and paranoia in czarist Russia   In a small Russian town, the rich wield the power of the gods over their serfs, who remain enslaved even in death. Life …
Nikolai Gogol: Overcoat
Five tragicomic tales from the visionary writer heralded by Vladimir Nabokov as “the greatest artist that Russia has yet produced”   A midlevel bureaucrat in the czar’s …
Nikolai Gogol: Taras Bulba
Nikolai Gogol: Dead Souls
First published in 1842 by famed Russian author Nikolai Gogol, Dead Souls is considered one of the finest Russian novels of the modern era. This edition is translated by D.J. Hogarth, and includes a …
Nikolai Gogol: Dead Souls
Dead Souls is a socially critical black comedy. Set in Russia before the emancipation of serfs in 1861, the "dead souls" are dead serfs still being counted by landowners as property, as …
Nikolai Gogol: Inspector-General
Although it may read to modern audiences like a hilarious slapstick comedy, The Inspector-General is actually much more than that. Famed Russian writer Nikolai Gogol intended it to be a veiled but …
Nikolai Gogol: Mantle
Explore the Russian creative movement known as literary realism through the work of writer Nikolai Vassilievitch Gogol, whom many critics regard not only as one of the foremost practitioners of this …
Nikolai Gogol: Taras Bulba
Explore a fascinating period in history through the eyes of renowned Russian literary realist Nikolai Vasilievich Gogol. This historian-turned-fiction-writer had a lifelong interest in the culture of …
Nikolai Gogol: Dead Souls
Dead Souls is a socially critical black comedy. Set in Russia before the emancipation of serfs in 1861, the "dead souls" are dead serfs still being counted by landowners as property, as …
Nikolai Gogol: Inspector-General
Although it may read to modern audiences like a hilarious slapstick comedy, The Inspector-General is actually much more than that. Famed Russian writer Nikolai Gogol intended it to be a veiled but …
Nikolai Gogol: Taras Bulba
Explore a fascinating period in history through the eyes of renowned Russian literary realist Nikolai Vasilievich Gogol. This historian-turned-fiction-writer had a lifelong interest in the culture of …
Nikolai Gogol: Mantle
Explore the Russian creative movement known as literary realism through the work of writer Nikolai Vassilievitch Gogol, whom many critics regard not only as one of the foremost practitioners of this …
Nikolai Gogol: Dead Souls
Nikolai Vasilievich Gogol was born on 31st March 1809 in present day Ukraine which was then the Russian Cossack village of Sorochyntsi. Nikolai’s parents were relatively affluent; his mother’s family …
Nikolai Gogol: Place Bewitched and Other Stories (riverrun editions)
A wounded solider vanishes into notoriety.A nose is found in a loaf of bread.Places – like the Nevesky Prospect – are not what they seem. Nikolai Gogol was one of the nineteenth century’s greatest …
Nikolai Gogol: Government Inspector and Other Works
Gogol’s works constitute one of Russian literature’s supreme achievements, yet the nature of their brilliant originality, comic genius, and complex workings is difficult to summarize precisely. The …
Nikolai Gogol: Delphi Complete Works of Nikolai Gogol (Illustrated)
This unique e Book presents the complete FICTIONAL works of Nikolai Gogol, with beautiful illustrations, informative introductions and the usual Delphi bonus material. (4MB Version 1) * …
Nikolai Gogol: Dead Souls
Chichikov, a mid-level Imperial Russian bureaucrat, schemes to line his own pockets by buying dead souls from the landowners of a small town and then representing the souls as alive in order to …
Nikolai Gogol: Dead Souls
Dead Souls, is a novel by Nikolai Gogol, first published in 1842, and widely regarded as an exemplar of 19th-century Russian literature. The purpose of the novel was to demonstrate the flaws and faul …
Nikolai Nikolai: Dead Souls
Since its publication in 1842, Dead Souls has been celebrated as a supremely realistic portrait of provincial Russian life and as a splendidly exaggerated tale; as a paean to the Russian spirit and a …
Nikolai Gogol: The Nose
‘The Nose’ is a satirical short story by Nikolai Gogol. Written between 1835 and 1836, it tells of a St. Petersburg official whose nose leaves his face and develops a life of its own. …
Nikolai Gogol: A May Evening
A May Evening was written in the year 1887 by Nikolai Gogol. This book is one of the most popular novels of Nikolai Gogol, and has been translated into several other languages around the world. Thi …
Nikolai Gogol: El abrigo
Cuenta la historia de un insignificante y oscuro funcionario, Akaki Akakievich, cuya anodina existencia consiste en copiar constantemente todos los documentos que le proporcionan sus superiores, la g …
tiếng Tây Ban Nha
Nikolai Gogol: La nariz
Trata de un hombre que se levanta un día y advierte que ha perdido su nariz. Más tarde se la encuentra por la calle y descubre que ésta ha desarrollado su propia vida social y que incluso ha alcanzad …
tiếng Tây Ban Nha
Nikolai Gogol: Les Veillées du hameau près de Dikanka – Tome I
Ces nouvelles peuvent apparaître comme les gammes de l’artiste, avant les chefs d’œuvre qui viendront ensuite – « Le Révizor » et « Les Âmes mortes ». Un thème semble unifier une …
tiếng Pháp
Nikolai Gogol: Les Veillées du hameau pres de Dikanka – Tome II
Les Veillées du hameau pres de Dikanka – Tome II was written in the year 1832 by Nikolai Gogol. This book is one of the most popular novels of Nikolai Gogol, and has been translated into several othe …
tiếng Pháp
Nikolai Gogol: Tarass Boulba
Tarass Boulba was written in the year 1835 by Nikolai Gogol. This book is one of the most popular novels of Nikolai Gogol, and has been translated into several other languages around the world. Thi …
tiếng Pháp
Nikolai Gogol: Le journal d’un fou
Le journal d’un fou est un conte absurde dans lequel les personnages étranges laissent peu a peu place a leurs caracteres réels, le rire cédant le pas a l’angoisse tout au long de ce journal. Poprich …
tiếng Pháp
Nikolai Gogol: Ménage d’autrefois
Ménage d’autrefois was written in the year 1835 by Nikolai Gogol. This book is one of the most popular novels of Nikolai Gogol, and has been translated into several other languages around the world. …
tiếng Pháp
Nikolai Gogol: La perspective Nevsky
La perspective Nevsky est d’abord un passionnant documentaire sur la capitale impériale au début du XIXe siecle, les variations de sa physionomie sociale au cours de la journée, les comédies et les d …
tiếng Pháp
Nikolai Gogol: Le Manteau – Le Nez
L’écriture du Nez débute en 1832 et s’acheve en 1835. La nouvelle est d’abord refusée comme « sale et triviale » par L’Observateur moscovite, avant d’etre publiée, en 1836, par la revue littéraire Le …
tiếng Pháp
Nikolai Gogol: Vii
Ce livre numérique présente «VIÏ», de Nicolas Gogol, édité en texte intégral. Une table des matières dynamique permet d’accéder directement aux différentes sections. …
tiếng Pháp
Nikolai Gogol: La brouille des deux Ivan
La brouille des deux Ivan was written in the year 1835 by Nikolai Gogol. This book is one of the most popular novels of Nikolai Gogol, and has been translated into several other languages around the …
tiếng Pháp
Nikolai Gogol: Le Nez
Le Nez was written in the year 1836 by Nikolai Gogol. This book is one of the most popular novels of Nikolai Gogol, and has been translated into several other languages around the world. This book …
tiếng Pháp
Nikolai Gogol: La Caleche
La petite ville de B*** se fit plus gaie lorsque le régiment de cavalerie de *** vint y tenir garnison. Jusqu’alors, on s’y était ennuyé à périr. Quand par hasard on la traverse et qu’on jette un reg …
tiếng Pháp
Nikolai Gogol: Rome
Essayez de fixer la foudre, alors que, déluge insoutenable de lumière, elle fend en zigzaguant un ciel couleur de suie : tels sont les yeux d’Annunziata l’Albaine. Tout en elle rappelle les temps ant …
tiếng Pháp
Nikolai Gogol: Le Manteau
Le Manteau was written in the year 1843 by Nikolai Gogol. This book is one of the most popular novels of Nikolai Gogol, and has been translated into several other languages around the world. This b …
tiếng Pháp
Nikolai Gogol: The Mysterious Portrait
The Mysterious Portrait was written in the year 1842 by Nikolai Gogol. This book is one of the most popular novels of Nikolai Gogol, and has been translated into several other languages around the wo …
Nikolai Gogol: The Cloak
The story centers on the life and death of Akaky Akakievich, an impoverished government clerk and copyist in the Russian capital of St. Petersburg. Akaky is dedicated to his job, taking special relis …
Nikolai Gogol: The Calash
The Calash was written in the year 1836 by Nikolai Gogol. This book is one of the most popular novels of Nikolai Gogol, and has been translated into several other languages around the world. This b …
Nikolai Gogol: St. John’s Eve
St. John’s Eve was written in the year 1831 by Nikolai Gogol. This book is one of the most popular novels of Nikolai Gogol, and has been translated into several other languages around the world. Th …
Nikolai Gogol: How the two Ivans quarrelled
How the two Ivans quarrelled was written in the year 1835 by Nikolai Gogol. This book is one of the most popular novels of Nikolai Gogol, and has been translated into several other languages around t …
Nikolai Gogol: Taras Bulba
Taras Bulba was written in the year 1835 by Nikolai Gogol. This book is one of the most popular novels of Nikolai Gogol, and has been translated into several other languages around the world. This …
Nikolai Gogol: Les âmes mortes
Narrant sur un ton comique les aventures d’un petit escroc dans la Russie provinciale des années 1820, le roman est aussi une troublante dénonciation de la médiocrité humaine. …
tiếng Pháp
Nikolai Gogol: Die toten Seelen
Die Geschichte folgt den Taten Pawel Iwanowitsch Tschitschikows, eines Herren mittleren Alters und mittlerer sozialer Schicht. Tschitschikow kommt in einem nicht namentlich genannten kleinen Städtche …
tiếng Đức
Nikolai Gogol: Diario de un loco
Cuento que se publicó junto con otros cuatro relatos ( La avenida Nevski, El retrato, La nariz y El capote) bajo el título ‘Historias de San Petersburgo’, pues todos estos relatos transcurren en la c …
tiếng Tây Ban Nha
Nikolai Gogol: La feria de Sorochinetz
Este cuento se publicó en un libro que lleva el título de ‘Veladas en un caserío de Dikanka’ y que contiene otros siete relatos: -La noche de San Juan -La noche de mayo o la ahogada -La carta perdi …
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Nikolai Gogol: Diary Of A Madman
Diary of a Madman (1835; Russian: ??????? ????????????, Zapiski sumasshedshevo) is a farcical short story by Nikolai Gogol. Along with The Overcoat and The Nose, Diary of a Madman is considered to be …
Nikolai Gogol: Meditations on the Divine Liturgy
With a new subject and scriptural index, as well as a short abstract on Nikolai Gogol as a religious personality, this reedited commentary on the Divine Liturgy-the primary public worship service of …
Nikolai Gogol: Dead Souls (Barnes & Noble Classics Series)
Dead Souls, by Nikolai Gogol , is part of the Barnes & Noble Classics    series, which offers quality editions at affordable prices to the student and the general reader, incl …
Nikolai Gogol: Dead Souls
Nikolai Gogol: Nose
Nikolai Gogol: Dead Souls
One of the great classics of mid-19th century Russian literature, Dead Souls has been described by the author Nikolai Gogol as an "epic poem in …
Nikolái Gógol: Almas Muertas
Este ebook presenta ‘Almas muertas’, con un índice dinámico y detallado. Es una obra escrita por Nikolái Gógol y publicada en 1842. Se considera por muchos como la primera novela rusa moderna. En …
tiếng Tây Ban Nha
Nikolái Gógol: Almas Muertas
Este ebook presenta ‘Almas muertas’, con un índice dinámico y detallado. Es una obra escrita por Nikolái Gógol y publicada en 1842. Se considera por muchos como la primera novela rusa moderna. En …
tiếng Tây Ban Nha
Nikolai Gogol: Gesammelte Werke Nikolai Gogols
Diese Sammlung der Werke von Nikolai Wassiljewitsch Gogol, des bedeutenden russischen Schriftstellers, enthält u. a.: Taraß Bulba Abende auf dem Vorwerke bei Dikanjka und andere Erzählungen Der …
tiếng Đức
Nikolai Gogol: Government Inspector
The mayor and local officials of a small provincial town in Russia have got it made: corruption is rife and they have all the power. Yet, when they learn that an undercover government inspector is …
Nikolai Gogol: El capote
El capote , escrito por Nikolái Gógol entre los años 1839 y 1841, y publicado en 1842, nos presenta uno de los más conmovedores personajes de la Literatura: Akaki Ak&aacut …
tiếng Tây Ban Nha
Nikolai Gogol: La perspectiva
La perspectiva Nevski de Nikolái Gógol es una novela compuesta de dos relatos paralelos, que cuentan dos historias de amor, la del artista-pintor Piskarev y la de su compañero, …
tiếng Tây Ban Nha
Nikolai Gogol: El retrato
En El retrato, obsesionante fantasía macabra, que revela la influencia de Hoffmann, un joven pintor de talento adquiere el retrato de un viejo, cuyos ojos parecen tener vida. Durante la noche, …
tiếng Tây Ban Nha
Marcus Aurelius & Guy de Maupassant: 7 short stories that ENTJ will love
ENTJs are natural born leaders and, while they’re intuitive, they like to deal with life rationally. In this book you will find seven short stories specially selected to please the tastes of the …
H. P. Lovecraft & Edgar Allan Poe: Best Short Stories Omnibus – Volume 1
This book contains 350 short stories from 50 classic, prize-winning and noteworthy authors. Wisely chosen by the literary critic August Nemo for the book series 7 Best Short Stories, this omnibus …
Alexander Pushkin & Nikolai Gogol: Classical Russian Short Stories
Conceive the joy of a lover of nature who, leaving the art galleries, wanders out among the trees and wild flowers and birds that the pictures of the galleries have sentimentalised. It is some such …
Nikolai Gogol & Anton Chekhov: Big Book of Best Short Stories – Specials – Russia 2
This book contains 25 short stories from 5 classic, prize-winning and noteworthy authors. The stories were carefully selected by the critic August Nemo, in a collection that will please the …
Edgar Allan Poe & H. P. Lovecraft: 7 mejores cuentos – Terror II
La colección 7 mejores cuentos – selección especial trae lo mejor de la literatura mundial, organizada en antologías temáticas. En este volumen te traemos grandes nombres de la literatura terror y …
tiếng Tây Ban Nha
James Joyce & Leo Tolstoy: Big Book of Best Short Stories – Volume 4
This book contains 70 short stories from 10 classic, prize-winning and noteworthy authors. The stories were carefully selected by the critic August Nemo, in a collection that will please the …
Nikolai Gogol: Government Inspector
The news that a government inspector is due to arrive in a small Russian town sends its bureaucrats into a panicked frenzy. A simple case of mistaken identity exposes the hypocrisy and corruption at …
Nikolai Gogol & August Nemo: Essential Novelists – Nikolai Gogol
Welcome to the Essential Novelists book series, were we present to you the best works of remarkable authors. For this book, the literary critic August Nemo has chosen the two most important and …
Daniel Defoe & Anthony Trollope: 3 books to know Horatian Satire
Welcome to the3 Books To Knowseries, our idea is to help readers learn about fascinating topics through three essential and relevant books. These carefully selected works can be fiction, …
Saki (H.H. Munro) & Anton Chekhov: 7 best short stories – Humor
The ability to produce humor and laughter is one of the things that makes us human. Humor implies a complex knowledge of the world and the ability to interpret reality in multiple layers. That said, …
Leo Tolstoy & Leonid Andreyev: 7 best short stories – Russian Authors
Conceive the joy of a lover of nature who, leaving the art galleries, wanders out among the trees and wild flowers and birds that the pictures of the galleries have sentimentalised. It is some such …
Thomas Bulfinch & Anton Chekhov: 7 short stories that Aquarius will love
Aquarius-born are deep thinkers and highly intellectual people who love helping others. Their soul is artistic and they can become quite eccentric. On the negative side Aquarius is temperamental and …
Nikolai Gogol & August Nemo: 7 best short stories by Nikolai Gogol
Nikolai Gogol had a strong literary upbringing: he learned Ukrainian and Russian, his father wrote poetry and was an amateur playwright, and as a child Gogol helped stage his uncle’s plays. He began …
Nikolai Gogol: Der Mantel
Die tragisch-komische Geschichte des Akakij Akakijewitsch, der ein trostloses und einsames Leben als Kopist führt, von Kollegen verspottet oder überhaupt nicht wahrgenommen, bis er eines Tages einen …
tiếng Đức
Nikolai Gogol: Die Nase
Eine absurd-surrealistische Erzählung von Nikolai Gogol. Der Barbier Iwan Jakowlewitsch entdeckt beim Frühstück eine Nase in seinem Brot. Diese gehört dem Kollegienassessor Kowaljow, den er mittwochs …
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Nikolai Gogol: The Night Before Christmas (New Directions Pearls)
Nikolai Gogol’s hilarious and macabre tale of a Christmas Eve with a devil and a romantic twist. It is the night before Christmas and devilry is afoot. The devil steals the moon and hides it in his p …
Nikolai Gogol: Abende auf dem Gut Dikanka
›Abende auf dem Gut Dikanka‹ von Nikolai Gogol. Phantastische Novellen in zwei Teilen, enthält einige der bedeutendsten Erzählungen des russischen Schriftsteller. Eine Sammlung Novellen aus dem …
tiếng Đức
Nikolai Gogol: Die toten Seelen
›Die toten Seelen oder Die Abenteuer Tschitschikows‹, der berühmte Roman Nikolai Gogols, neben Dostojewski und Tolstoi einer der bedeutendsten Schriftsteller der russischen Literatur. Ein …
tiếng Đức
Nikolai Gogol: Aufzeichnungen eines Wahnsinnigen
›Aufzeichnungen eines Wahnsinnigen‹, eine der bekanntesten Novellen Nikolai Gogols, der neben Dostojewski und Tolstoi zu den großen Schriftstellern der russischen Literatur zählt. Titularrat …
tiếng Đức
Nikolai Gogol: Die Nacht vor Weihnachten
›Die Nacht vor Weihnachten‹, eine Erzählung Nikolai Gogols, neben Dostojewski und Tolstoi einer der bedeutendsten Scrhiftsteller der russischen Literatur. In dem verschneiten ukrainischen Dörfchen …
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Nikolai Gogol: Taras Bulba
›Taras Bulba‹, eine Erzählung Nikolai Gogols, neben Dostojewski und Tolstoi einer der bedeutendsten Scrhiftsteller der russischen Literatur. Erzählt wird die Geschichte des alten Kosaken Taras Bulba …
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Nikolai Gogol: Mirgorod
›Mirgorod›, eine Sammlung von Erzählungen Nikolai Gogols, neben Dostojewski und Tolstoi einer der bedeutendsten Schriftsteller der russischen Literatur. Der Band enthält die Erzählungen …
tiếng Đức
Nikolai Gogol: Petersburger Erzählungen
›Petersburger Erzählungen‹, eine Sammlung von Erzählungen Nikolai Gogols, neben Dostojewski und Tolstoi einer der bedeutendsten Schriftsteller der russischen Literatur. Der Band enthält die …
tiếng Đức
Nikolai Gogol: Das Porträt
Der junge und verarmte Maler Andrej Petrowitsch Tschartkow erwirbt in einer kleinen Gemäldehandlung das Porträt eines gealterten Asiaten für einen Spottpreis. Nachts erwacht er in seinem ärmlichen …
tiếng Đức
Saki & Fyodor Dostoevsky: The Great Classics of Russian Literature
Come along on a very Russian adventure with the greatest classics the world has ever known! This meticulously edited collection is formatted for your e Reader with a functional and detailed table of …
Nikolai Gogol: Gesammelte Werke: Romane + Meisternovellen + Kurzgeschichten
Dieses e Book: ‘Gesammelte Werke: Romane + Meisternovellen + Kurzgeschichten’ ist mit einem detaillierten und dynamischen Inhaltsverzeichnis versehen und wurde sorgfältig korrekturgelesen.Nikolai …
tiếng Đức
Nikolai Gogol: Der Mantel und andere Meisternovellen
Dieses e Book: ‘Der Mantel und andere Meisternovellen’ ist mit einem detaillierten und dynamischen Inhaltsverzeichnis versehen und wurde sorgfältig korrekturgelesen. Nikolai Gogol (1809-1852) war …
tiếng Đức
Nikolai Gogol: Furchtbare Rache (Horrorgeschichte)
Dieses e Book: ‘Furchtbare Rache (Horrorgeschichte)’ ist mit einem detaillierten und dynamischen Inhaltsverzeichnis versehen und wurde sorgfältig korrekturgelesen. Die Erzählung führen den Leser in …
tiếng Đức
Nikolai Gogol: Die Nase & Der Mantel
Dieses e Book: ‘Die Nase & Der Mantel’ ist mit einem detaillierten und dynamischen Inhaltsverzeichnis versehen und wurde sorgfältig korrekturgelesen. Die Nase vermischt reale Alltäglichkeiten mit …
tiếng Đức
Théophile Gautier & William Blake: DEEP, DARK & UNSETTLING: 100+ Gothic Classics in One Edition
Who doesn’t love a bit of surprise, danger, eerie atmosphere, and just the right hint of romance! So, here’s presenting to you our best ever gothic collection, with all the well known classics, all …
Edgar Allan Poe & Mary Shelley: 60 GOTHIC CLASSICS – Boxed Set: Dark Fantasy Novels, Supernatural Mysteries, Horror Tales & Gothic Romances
This meticulously edited collection is formatted for your e Reader with a functional and detailed table of contents: Frankenstein The Orphan of the Rhine Nightmare Abbey The Tell-Tale Heart The …
Saki & Nizida: SINISTER OMENS: 560+ Supernatural Thrillers, Macabre Tales & Eerie Mysteries
There is no better reading sensation than feeling the end of your hair raised in a nail-biting suspense. Here’s presenting you our biggest ever supernatural collection to give you many hours of …
Nizida & Théophile Gautier: Beware The Silence: 560+ Horror Classics, Macabre Tales & Supernatural Mysteries
e-artnow presents you this meticulously edited horror collection carefully selected gothic classics, greatest supernatural mysteries, ghost stories and macabre tales: Introduction: Supernatural …
Nizida & Mary Shelley: The Horror Beyond Life’s Edge: 560+ Macabre Classics, Supernatural Mysteries & Dark Tales
Are you ready to step over the edge? This grand horror collection contains the greatest supernatural mysteries, gothic novels, dark romances & macabre tales: Bram Stoker: Dracula The Squaw… John …
Nikolai Gogol: Gesammelte Werke von Nikolai Gogol
Dieses e Book wurde mit einem funktionalen Layout erstellt und sorgfältig formatiert. Die Ausgabe ist mit interaktiven Inhalt und Begleitinformationen versehen, einfach zu navigieren und gut …
tiếng Đức
Nikolai Gogol: Aufzeichnungen eines Wahnsinnigen
Aufzeichnungen eines Wahnsinnigen ist eine Erzählung in Form von Tagebucheinträgen des russischen Dichters Nikolai Gogol aus dem Jahre 1835. Dieses Werk ist eines der bekanntesten von Gogol und wird …
tiếng Đức
Nikolai Gogol: Die wichtigsten Werke von Nikolai Gogol
Dieses e Book wurde mit einem funktionalen Layout erstellt und sorgfältig formatiert. Die Ausgabe ist mit interaktiven Inhalt und Begleitinformationen versehen, einfach zu navigieren und gut …
tiếng Đức
Nikolai Gogol: Phantastische Geschichten
Die phantastische Kinder- und Jugendliteratur kennzeichnet im Allgemeinen ein Aufeinandertreffen der realen, gewöhnlichen und einer magischen, irrationalen Welt (sogenanntes Zwei-Welten-Modell). Im …
tiếng Đức
Nizida & Saki: Something Wicked: 560+ Horror Classics, Macabre Tales & Supernatural Mysteries
Musaicum Books presents to you this unique collection, designed and formatted to the highest digital standards and adjusted for readability on all devices. Content: Edgar Allan Poe: The Masque of …
Horace Walpole & William Thomas Beckford: 60 Gothic Classics
Musaicum Books presents to you this unique collection, designed and formatted to the highest digital standards and adjusted for readability on all devices. The Castle of Otranto Vathek The Castle …
Théophile Gautier & William Blake: Into Eternal Darkness: 100+ Gothic Classics in One Edition
Musaicum Books presents to you this unique collection, designed and formatted to the highest digital standards and adjusted for readability on all devices. Content: The Adventures of Ferdinand …
Edgar Allan Poe & Mary Shelley: The Greatest Gothic Classics
Musaicum Books presents to you this unique collection, designed and formatted to the highest digital standards and adjusted for readability on all devices. Frankenstein The Orphan of the Rhine …
Nikolai Gogol: Phantastische Geschichten
Dieses e Book: ‘Phantastische Geschichten’ ist mit einem detaillierten und dynamischen Inhaltsverzeichnis versehen und wurde sorgfältig korrekturgelesen. Die phantastische Kinder- und …
tiếng Đức
Nikolai Gogol: Die toten Seelen – Ein Klassiker der Weltliteratur
Dieses e Book: ‘Die toten Seelen – Ein Klassiker der Weltliteratur’ ist mit einem detaillierten und dynamischen Inhaltsverzeichnis versehen und wurde sorgfältig korrekturgelesen. Die toten Seelen …
tiếng Đức
Nikolai Gogol: Petersburger Novellen
Dieses e Book: ‘Petersburger Novellen’ ist mit einem detaillierten und dynamischen Inhaltsverzeichnis versehen und wurde sorgfältig korrekturgelesen. Russischer Schriftsteller Nikolai Gogol …
tiếng Đức
Nikolai Gogol: Das beste von Nikolai Gogol
Dieses e Book: ‘Das beste von Nikolai Gogol’ ist mit einem detaillierten und dynamischen Inhaltsverzeichnis versehen und wurde sorgfältig korrekturgelesen. Nikolai Gogol (1809-1852) war ein …
tiếng Đức
Nikolai Gogol: Aufzeichnungen eines Wahnsinnigen
Dieses e Book: ‘Aufzeichnungen eines Wahnsinnigen’ ist mit einem detaillierten und dynamischen Inhaltsverzeichnis versehen und wurde sorgfältig korrekturgelesen. Aufzeichnungen eines Wahnsinnigen …
tiếng Đức
Nikolai Gogol: Taras Bulba: Geschichte des alten Saporoger Kosaken (Historischer Roman)
Dieses e Book: ‘Taras Bulba: Geschichte des alten Saporoger Kosaken (Historischer Roman)’ ist mit einem detaillierten und dynamischen Inhaltsverzeichnis versehen und wurde sorgfältig …
tiếng Đức
Nikolái Gógol: Almas muertas
Este ebook presenta ‘Almas muertas’, con un índice dinámico y detallado. Es una obra escrita por Nikolái Gógol y publicada en 1842. Se considera por muchos como la primera novela rusa moderna. En …
tiếng Tây Ban Nha
Fjodor Michailowitsch Dostojewski & Leo Tolstoi: Die großen Klassiker der russischen Literatur (30+ Titel in einem Buch)
Dieses e Book: ‘Die großen Klassiker der russischen Literatur (30+ Titel in einem Buch)’ ist mit einem detaillierten und dynamischen Inhaltsverzeichnis versehen und wurde sorgfältig korrekturgelesen. …
tiếng Đức
Nikolai Gogol: Dead Souls
Chichikov, a middle-aged gentleman of middling social class and means, arrives in a small town and turns on the charm to woo key local officials and landowners. He reveals little about his past, or …
Horace Walpole & William Thomas Beckford: The Rise of Deathwatch
If the winter is coming then can a cup of hot coffee and a good spine-chilling book be far behind!? Get transported to the dark, ominous, and gothic atmosphere of the forgotten times, and relive the …
Nikolai Gogol: Dead Souls
Dead Souls portrays and demonstrates the flaws and faults of the Russian mentality and character through endeavors of Pavel Ivanovich Chichikov and typical people of the Russian middle-class, whom he …
Saki & Fyodor Dostoevsky: The Giants of Russian Literature: The Greatest Russian Novels, Stories, Plays, Folk Tales & Legends
This unique collection of the greatest novesl, short stories & plays in Russian literature has been designed and formatted to the highest digital standards: Introduction: The Rise of the Russian …
Nikolai Gogol: Petersburger Erzählungen
Russischer Schriftsteller Nikolai Gogol (1809-1852) hat seine Petersburger Novellen 1835 in den ‘Arabesken’ zusammengefasst. Mit den Petersburger Erzählungen wandte sich Gogol der nördlichen …
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Nikolai Gogol: Die toten Seelen (Illustrierte Ausgabe)
Die toten Seelen ist ein Roman von Nikolaj Gogol (1809-1852). Der erste Teil wurde 1842 veröffentlicht. Ursprünglich war eine Trilogie geplant, aber Gogol vollendete nur die ersten beiden Teile, …
tiếng Đức
Nikolai Gogol: Das Porträt und andere Meisternovellen von Gogol
Dieses e Book wurde mit einem funktionalen Layout erstellt und sorgfältig formatiert. Die Ausgabe ist mit interaktiven Inhalt und Begleitinformationen versehen, einfach zu navigieren und gut …
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Nikolai Gogol: Taras Bulba
Taras Bulba spielt in der Ukraine in der ersten Hälfte des 17. Jahrhunderts und erzählt die Geschichte des alten Saporoger Kosaken Taras Bulba und seiner beiden Söhne, Andrej und Ostap, die erst an …
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Nikolai Gogol: Nikolai Gogol: Der Mantel & Die Nase
Die Nase vermischt reale Alltäglichkeiten mit Absurdem: Der Barbier Iwan Jakowlewitsch findet beim Frühstück in seinem Brot eine Nase, die dem 37-jährigen Kollegienassessor Kowaljow gehört, den er …
tiếng Đức
Nikolai Gogol: Dead Souls (English Edition)
This e Book has been formatted to the highest digital standards and adjusted for readability on all devices. Chichikov, a middle-aged gentleman of middling social class and means, arrives in a small …
Nikolai Gogol: Dead Souls (World’s Classics Series)
This e Book has been formatted to the highest digital standards and adjusted for readability on all devices. Dead Souls portrays and demonstrates the flaws and faults of the Russian mentality and …
Nikolai Gogol: Furchtbare Rache
Die Erzählung führt den Leser in eine frühere Zeit. Es ist die Welt der dörflichen Ukraine, voll praller Lebenslust und Aberglauben. Diese heitere volkstümliche Welt ist aber nur auf den ersten Blick …
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Nizida & Mary Shelley: The Light Has Been Broken: 560+ Macabre Classics, Supernatural Mysteries & Dark Tales
Musaicum Books presents to you this unique collection, designed and formatted to the highest digital standards and adjusted for readability on all devices. Content: Bram Stoker: Dracula The …
Nizida & Théophile Gautier: The Power of Darkness: 560+ Supernatural Thrillers, Macabre Tales & Eerie Mysteries
Musaicum Books presents to you this unique collection, designed and formatted to the highest digital standards and adjusted for readability on all devices. Content: Supernatural Horror in …
Fjodor Michailowitsch Dostojewski & Leo Tolstoi: Die großen Klassiker der russischen Literatur: 30+ Titel in einem Band
Diese Sammlung der russischen Klassiker wurde mit einem funktionalen Layout erstellt und sorgfältig formatiert. Inhalt: Igorlied (Heldenepos – Übersetzung von Rainer Maria Rilke) Erinnerungen der …
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Nikolai Gogol: Diary of a Madman
Diary of a Madman is a farcical short story by Nikolai Gogol. Along with The Overcoat and The Nose, Diary of a Madman is considered to be one of Gogol’s greatest short stories. The tale centers on …
Nikolai Gogol: Dead Souls
Dead Souls is a novel by Nikolai Gogol, first published in 1842, and widely regarded as an exemplar of 19th-century Russian literature. The purpose of the novel was to demonstrate the flaws and fault …
Nikolai Gogol: The Mantle and Other Stories
As a novel-writer and a dramatist, Gogol appears to me to deserve a minute study, and if the knowledge of Russian were more widely spread, he could not fail to obtain in Europe a reputation equa …
Nikolai Gogol: Taras Bulba
Instead of memorizing vocabulary words, work your way through an actual well-written novel. Even novices can follow along as each individual English paragraph is paired with the corresponding French …
Nikolai Gogol: Taras Bulba
Instead of memorizing vocabulary words, work your way through an actual well-written novel. Even novices can follow along as each individual English paragraph is paired with the corresponding Russian …
Nikolai Gogol: Taras Bulba
Instead of memorizing vocabulary words, work your way through an actual well-written novel. Even novices can follow along as each individual English paragraph is paired with the corresponding Ukraini …
Nikolai Gogol: The Nose
Instead of memorizing vocabulary words, work your way through an actual well-written novel. Even novices can follow along as each individual English paragraph is paired with the corresponding French …
Nikolai Gogol: The Nose
Instead of memorizing vocabulary words, work your way through an actual well-written novel. Even novices can follow along as each individual English paragraph is paired with the corresponding Russian …
Nikolai Gogol: The Cloak
Instead of memorizing vocabulary words, work your way through an actual well-written novel. Even novices can follow along as each individual English paragraph is paired with the corresponding Russian …
Nikolai Gogol: Memoirs of a Madman
Instead of memorizing vocabulary words, work your way through an actual well-written novel. Even novices can follow along as each individual English paragraph is paired with the corresponding French …
Nikolai Gogol: Memoirs of a Madman
Instead of memorizing vocabulary words, work your way through an actual well-written novel. Even novices can follow along as each individual English paragraph is paired with the corresponding Russian …
Nikolai Gogol: Dead Souls
Instead of memorizing vocabulary words, work your way through an actual well-written novel. Even novices can follow along as each individual English paragraph is paired with the corresponding Russian …
Nikolai Gogol: Inspector General
Instead of memorizing vocabulary words, work your way through an actual well-written novel. Even novices can follow along as each individual English paragraph is paired with the corresponding Russian …
Voltaire & Alexandre Dumas: Learn French with Bilingual Books
Sometimes you want to read in French. Sometimes you want to read in English. There’s a great option: bilingual books! Bilingual, or dual-language books, are books in which text appears side-by-side i …
Nikolai Gogol: The Nose and Other Stories
Nikolai Gogol’s novel Dead Souls and play The Government Inspector revolutionized Russian literature and continue to entertain generations of readers around the world. Yet Gogol’s peculiar genius com …
Nikolai Gogol: Alamas muertas
Almas muertas de Nikolai Gogol goza del nada despreciable honor de ser la primera gran novela de la literatura rusa del siglo XIX, además de uno de los fragmentos más hermosos, más arriesgados y más …
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H. P. Lovecraft & Edgar Allan Poe: The Greatest Gothic Classics of All Time
e-artnow present to you this meticulously edited collection of the greatest gothic & macabre classics of all time: Content: Frankenstein The Orphan of the Rhine Nightmare Abbey The Tell-Tale …
Voltaire & Stendhal: 50 Meisterwerke Musst Du Lesen, Bevor Du Stirbst: Vol. 1
50 Masterpieces You Have To Read Before You Die Vol.1 (German Edition) Inhalt 1. Kandide oder Die beste aller Welten (Voltaire) 2. Die Leiden des jungen Werther (Johann Wolfgang von Goethe) …
tiếng Đức
Nikolai Gogol: The Mantle and Other Stories
In a certain Russian ministerial department—- But it is perhaps better that I do not mention which department it was. There are in the whole of Russia no persons more sensitive than Government …
Nikolai Gogol: Dead Souls
Anónimo & Platón: 100 Clásicos de la Literatura Universal
Revisados y actualizados , contienen un índice de contenidos al inicio del libro que permite acceder a cada tíltulo de forma fácil y directa.  
  • El Gran Gatsby por Francis Scott Fit …
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Nikolai Gogol & Moon Classics: Nikolai Gogol: The Complete Novels
Moon Classics Here you will find the complete novels of Nikolai Gogol in the chronological order of their original publication. – Taras Bulba – Dead …
Nikolái Gógol & Antón Chéjov: Troika
Se recopilan aquí tres de los mejores títulos de Gógol, Chéjov y Turguéniev, colosos de la novela que no ocultan su condición de precursores de la prosa moderna. Un singular y privilegiado viaje por …
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John Lesslie Hall & Mary W. Shelley: 10 Сlassic Monster books. Illustrated
Frankenstein, Dracula . . . . Golem? How many monsters can you name? Have the mysterious powers of the Beetle or the Cthulhu ever caused chills to run down your spine? Only the bravest reader will …
Nikolai Gogol: The Mysterious Portrait
‘The Mysterious Portrait’ by Nikolai Gogol. Published by Good Press. Good Press publishes a wide range of titles that encompasses every genre. From well-known classics & literary fiction and …
Nikolai Gogol: The Night of Christmas Eve
‘The Night of Christmas Eve’ is a story written by Nikolai Gogol. The story opens with a description of the winter scenery of Dikanka, Ukraine. A witch flies across the night sky and the devil steals …
Nikolai Gogol: The Inspector-General
This drama is still very topical today as it focuses on what happens when greed and corruption are allowed to take hold. It is a comedy of mistaken identity, when a habitual gambler visits a town, …
H. P. Lovecraft & Edgar Allan Poe: Gothic Classics: 60+ Books in One Volume
Musaicum Books present to you a collection of the greatest gothic & macabre classics of all time: Content: Frankenstein The Orphan of the Rhine Nightmare Abbey The Tell-Tale Heart The Fall of …
Nikolai Gogol: Las almas muertas
El aventurero Chichikov, ávido por aumentar su riqueza, recorre varias regiones de Rusia para adquirir ilegalmente un elevado número de almas muertas, es decir, para hacer pasar a su lista de …
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Nikolai Gogol: Taras Bulba
En la historia los dos hijos de Tarás Bulba, Ostap y Andréi, regresan a su hogar de un seminario ortodoxo en Kiev. Ostap es el más aventurero mientras que Andréi es …
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Nikolai Gogol: Dead Souls (Illustrated)
Dead Souls is a novel by Nikolai Gogol, first published in 1842, and widely regarded as an exemplar of 19th-century Russian literature. The purpose of the novel was to demonstrate the flaws and fault …
Nikolai Gogol: Dead Souls
Dead Souls was first published in 1842 by famed Russian author Nikolai Gogol, and is considered one of the finest Russian novels of the modern era. The novel is a comic epic of greed and gluttony tha …
Rumi & Platon: 100 Meisterwerke der Weltliteratur – Klassiker die man kennen muss
Die Geschichten, die jeder Mensch in seinem Leben erleben sollte – in dieser Sammlung finden Sie die wahren Meisterwerke der Weltliteratur, die bahnbrechenden Bücher, die zeitlosen Klassiker, die …
tiếng Đức
Nikolai Gogol: Dead Souls
Dead Souls – Nikolai Gogol – Since its publication in 1842, Dead Souls has been celebrated as a supremely realistic portrait of provincial Russian life and as a splendidly exaggerated tale; as a …
Honoré de Balzac & Alphonse Daudet: 50 Chefs-D’œuvre Que Vous Devez Lire Avant De Mourir: Vol 2
Ce livre contient les ouvrages suivants classés par ordre alphabétique (noms de famille auteurs ) Les Mille et une nuits – Tome I & Tome II [Anonymous] Les Cinq Filles de Mrs Bennet (Orgueil et …
tiếng Pháp
Stendhal & Golden Deer Classics: 50 Chefs-D’œuvre Que Vous Devez Lire Avant De Mourir : Vol 1 (Golden Deer Classics)
Ce livre contient les ouvrages suivants classés par ordre alphabétique (noms de famille auteurs ) Le Grand Meaulnes [Alain-Fournier] Alcools [Guillaume Apollinaire] Les Diaboliques [Jules Amédée …
tiếng Pháp
Nikolai Gogol: Dead Souls
First published in 1842, “Dead Souls” is the story of Chichikov, a young middle-class gentleman who comes to a small town in Russia with a dubious plan to improve his wealth and position in life. He …
Nikolai Gogol: Nikolai Gogol – The Complete Collection
13 Complete Works of Nikolai Gogol A May Night Dead Souls How the Two Ivans Quarrelled Memoirs of a Madman ST. John’s Eve Taras Bulba The Calash The Cloak The Inspector General …
Nikolai Gogol: Diario de un loco
Este ebook presenta ‘Diario de un loco” con un sumario dinámico y detallado. Diario de un loco es uno de los cinco cuentos que componen las «Historias de San Petersburgo» de Nicolai Gogol. El cuent …
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Mary Shelley & Bram Stoker: 15+ Masterpieces of Gothic Horror. Classics Collection
Gothic Horror is one of the oldest of the horror genres. Darker, edgier and on the Romanticism end of Romanticism. In addition to being important to the horror genre, the first scifi, fantasy, …
Nikolai Gogol: Taras Bulba & Other Tales
Nikolai Vasilievich Gogol was born on 1st April 1809 to a father, descended from Ukrainian Cossacks and a mother with a military background in the Ukrainian town of Sorochyntsi, then part of the …
Nikolai Gogol: Inspector General
Nikolai Vasilievich Gogol was born on 1st April 1809 to a father, descended from Ukrainian Cossacks and a mother with a military background in the Ukrainian town of Sorochyntsi, then part of the …
Nikolai Gogol: Mantle & Other Stories
Nikolai Vasilievich Gogol was born on 1st April 1809 to a father, descended from Ukrainian Cossacks and a mother with a military background in the Ukrainian town of Sorochyntsi, then part of the …
Nikolai Gogol: Cossack Tales
Nikolai Vasilievich Gogol was born on 1st April 1809 to a father, descended from Ukrainian Cossacks and a mother with a military background in the Ukrainian town of Sorochyntsi, then part of the …
Rumi & Platon: Die Meisterwerke der Weltliterature
In dieser Sammlung finden Sie die wahren Meisterwerke der Weltliteratur, die bahnbrechenden Bücher, die zeitlosen Klassiker, die ewig bewegende Poesie:: Selbstbetrachtungen (Marcus Aurelius) …
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Nikolai Gogol: Nikolai Gogol – Die besten Geschichten
Eine Nase entweicht ihrem Besitzer und geht promenieren; ein verarmter Maler findet jede Menge Golddukaten im Rahmen eines Porträts; die Anschaffung eines neuen Mantels wird einem Kopisten zum …
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Nikolai Gogol: Mémoires d”un Fou
Poprichtchine taille à longueurs de journées des plumes dans un ministère de Saint-Pétersbourg. Personne ne reconnait sa juste valeur, pas même celle qu”il aime, la fille de son directeur.Il tient …
tiếng Pháp
Voltaire & Stendhal: 50 Meisterwerke Musst Du Lesen, Bevor Du Stirbst: Vol. 1 (Golden Deer Classics)
50 Meisterwerke Musst Du Lesen, Bevor Du Stirbst: Vol. 1 (Golden Deer Classics) Inhalt: Voltaire – Kandide oder Die beste aller Welten (1759) Johann Wolfgang von Goethe – Die Leiden des jungen …
tiếng Đức
Saki & Jack London: Anthology of Classic Short Stories. Vol. 10 (Winter Tales)
We share with you a selection of books to create a magical Winter mood. Meet our snow-frosty selection for a cheerful winter reading. Contents: To Build a Fire by Jack London The Interlopers by …
Ngôn ngữ Nga
Franz Kafka & Joseph Conrad: Anthology of Classic Short Stories. Vol. 6 (Strange, Surreal and Fantastic)
If you're looking for your next mind-bending read, here are 10 great surreal books to get you started:  Contents: Two Short Parables by Franz Kafka The Secret Sharer by Joseph Conrad The …
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Nikolai Gógol: Vetlles en un veïnat de Dikanka
Al mas de l'abellaire Pankó el Roig, a la Ucraïna rural de mitjans del segle xix, cada nit es reuneixen personatges d'allò més pintorescs per compartir històries meravelloses que els han …
Nikolai Gogol: El Capote
‘El Capote’ es un relato corto del autor ruso de origen ucraniano Nikolai Gogol, publicado en 1842. El relato y su autor han tenido una gran influencia en la literatura rusa, como se expresa en una …
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Nikolai Gogol: Dead Souls
Nikolai Gogol: Night of Christmas Eve
In ‘The Night of Christmas Eve’ the Devil roams free and decides to steal the moon to punish Vakula, a local blacksmith for his religious paintings, leaving the town of Dikanka in darkness. In this …
Nikolai Gogol: The Nose
‘The Nose’ is divided into three parts and tells the story of Collegiate Assessor (‘Major’) Kovalyov, who wakes up one morning without his nose. He later finds out that his nose has developed a life …
Nikolai Gogol: Lost Letter
"The Lost Letter" is a short story by Gogol published in his 1831 collection "Evenings on a Farm Near Dikanka". In it, an exuberant narrator, the old sexton Foma, humorously …
Nizida & Wilhelm Hauff: Beware The Silence
Beware The Silence emerges as a formidable anthology that weaves together the mastery of iconic writers spanning several centuries, all united under the complex theme of silence and its myriad …
Nikolai Gogol: Selected Stories of Nikolai Gogol

As enigmatic as he was influential, Nikolai Gogol is commonly referred to as the father Russian realism. Selected Stories of Nikolai Gogol draws from stories set in …

Anton Chekhov & Leo Tolstoy: Top 10 Short Stories – The Russian Men
Short stories have always been a sort of instant access into an author’s brain, their soul and heart. A few pages can lift our lives into locations, people and experiences with a sweep of landscape, …
Moritz Jokai & Nikolai Gogol: Top 10 Short Stories – The 19th Century – The Europeans
Short stories have always been a sort of instant access into an author’s brain, their soul and heart. A few pages can lift our lives into locations, people and experiences with a sweep of landscape, …
Nikolai Gogol: Dead Souls (Warbler Classics Annotated Edition)

Dead Souls charts the nefarious dealings of Chichikov, a member of the middle aristocracy in a time when serfs were considered the property of landowners, who could buy, …

Nikolai Gogol: The Night of Christmas Eve
Nikolai Gogol’s ‘The Night of Christmas Eve’ is a captivating short story that intertwines the supernatural with the everyday life of a small village in Ukraine. Written in Gogol’s signature realist …
Nikolai Gogol: Die toten Seelen
Die toten Seelen ist ein Roman von Nikolai Gogol (1809–1852). Der erste Teil wurde 1842 veröffentlicht. Ursprünglich war eine Trilogie geplant, aber Gogol vollendete nur die ersten beiden Teile, …
tiếng Đức
Charles Dickens & Edgar Allan Poe: Top 10 Short Stories – The 19th Century – The Men
Short stories have always been a sort of instant access into an author’s brain, their soul and heart. A few pages can lift our lives into locations, people and experiences with a sweep of landscape, …
Mikhail Bulgakov & Nikolai Gogol: Top 10 Short Stories – The Ukrainians
Short stories have always been a sort of instant access into an author’s brain, their soul and heart. A few pages can lift our lives into locations, people and experiences with a sweep of landscape, …
Nikolái Gógol: El Capote y otros relatos
Gogol creó algunas de las pesadillas más intensas y perfectas de la literatura, de las cuales, acaso las mejores, el lector tenga entre sus manos en este preciso momento. El mundo descrito en estos …
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Homero & Sófocles: 100 Obras Maestras de la Literatura Universal
Esta colección presenta las obras más influyentes de la literatura mundial. Contenido: La Ilíada y La Odisea Edipo Rey El Banquete Metafísica La metamorfosis De la Brevedad de la Vida Las …
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Robert Louis Stevenson & Mark Twain: Let’s Make a Deal… With the Devil!
The Devil, or Satan, Lucifer, Beelzebub, Mephistopheles appears frequently as a character in literature. The figure of the Devil or Satan personifies evil. Many writers have incorporated Satan into …
Nikolai Gogol: O Sobretudo
‘O Sobretudo’ (em russo: Шинель, translit. Shinel; às vezes traduzido como ‘O Manto’) é um conto do autor russo nascido na Ucrânia Nikolai Gogol, publicado em 1842. A história e seu autor tiveram …
tiếng Bồ Đào Nha
Nikolai Gogol: Dead Souls
Nikolai Gogol’s ‘Dead Souls’ is a satirical novel that delves into the intricacies of 19th-century Russian society. The book follows the story of Chichikov, a con man who travels through Russia …
Charles Dickens & Oscar Wilde: The Book of Gothic Tales
The Book of Gothic Tales is a compelling anthology that gathers the most haunting and mesmerizing stories from a wide array of literary giants spanning the 18th, 19th, and early 20th centuries. With …
Saki & Leonid Andreyev: The Greatest Classics of Russian Literature in One Volume
The Greatest Classics of Russian Literature in One Volume’ is an unparalleled collection that presents a panoramic view of Russian literary genius. This anthology spans the rich tapestry of Russian …
Charles Dickens & Oscar Wilde: 60 Gothic Classics
60 Gothic Classics is an unparalleled collection that showcases the breathtaking scope and diversity of the gothic genre, from its nascent shadows in the 18th century to its refined complexities in …
Charles Dickens & Friedrich Schiller: Mystique of the Darkness: 100+ Gothic Classics
Mystique of the Darkness: 100+ Gothic Classics is an unparalleled compilation that traverses the shadowy corridors of Gothic literature, presenting an extraordinary selection of works from some of …
Nikolai Gogol: Нос / Die Nase (mit Audio)
Entdecken Sie die Welt der Fremdsprachen auf eine ganz neue Weise mit der Lesemethode von Ilya Frank, perfekt für alle ab dem Sprachniveau A2. Diese innovative Methode kombiniert Originaltexte mit …
Ngôn ngữ Nga
Nikolai Gogol & Washington Irving: Short Stories About A Deal with the Devil
It’s really very simple. You will sell me your eternal soul and in return I shall make you fabulously rich, powerful, talented and famous for your entire Earthly life. Or maybe even eternity.For an …
John Davys Beresford & Nikolai Gogol: Short Stories About Mental Illness
For many of us illness refers solely to the physical. Accidents and disease wear us down, hiccup our life from childhood to old age. But everyone empathises, understands and helps us on the road to …
Nikolai Gogol: Das Porträt
In Das Porträt erweist sich das Bildnis eines Wucherers, das der arme, begabte Maler Tschartkow im Trödelladen erwirbt, als verhängnisvoll. So wie der Wucherer alle, denen er Geld lieh, mit seinem …
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Nikolái Gógol: Diario de un loco
Diario de un loco es un relato corto escrito por el autor ruso Nikolái Gógol en 1835. El cuento está escrito en forma de diario y sigue la vida de un empleado público llamado Poprishchin, quien com …
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Nikolai Gogol: ALMAS MUERTAS – Gógol
Nikolái Vasílievich Gógol en ocasiones adaptado al español como Nicolás Gógol; (1809 – 1852) fue un escritor ruso de origen ucraniano. Cultivó varios géneros, pero fue notablemente conocido como …
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Nikolai Gogol: TARAS BULBA
Nikolái Vasílievich Gógol en ocasiones adaptado al español como Nicolás Gógol; (1809 – 1852) fue un escritor ruso de origen ucraniano. Cultivó varios géneros, pero fue notablemente conocido como …
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Nikolai Gógol: LA NARIZ y EL CAPOTE
Nikolai Gogol (1809-1852) fue un de los grandes escritores rusos. Su obra se sitúa en el estilo del realismo de la literatura rusa, aunque algunas obras presentan características del surrealismo.  …
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Nikolai Gogol: O CAPOTE – Gogol
Em suas obras, o escritor Nikolai Gogol trouxe à tona uma visão satírica da realidade russa na primeira metade do século XIX. Seus contos, novelas e peças de teatro retratam o caráter sinistro e …
tiếng Bồ Đào Nha
Nikolai Gógol: A briga dos dois Ivans
Ivan Ivánovitch e Ivan Nikíforovitch são dois respeitáveis cidadãos de Mírgorod, uma vila no interior da Ucrânia, nas primeiras décadas do século XIX. Apesar de muito diferentes um do outro, mantêm …
tiếng Bồ Đào Nha
Aleksandr Púchkin & Nikolai Gógol: Os Russos
A grandeza da Rússia se mede por muitas réguas diferentes. A da geografia, da história, da política, da guerra. Mas talvez nenhuma supere a da literatura. E em particular, a da literatura do século …
tiếng Bồ Đào Nha
James Joyce & Julio Cortázar: Os Melhores Contos Estrangeiros
Este é mais um volume da bestseller Coleção Melhores Contos, uma seleção de obras primas de autores de diversas nacionalidades e com temáticas das mais variadas, mas que tem em comum uma enorme e …
tiếng Bồ Đào Nha
Nikolai Gogol & Aleksandr Púchkin: Os Melhores Contos Russos
A partir do século 19 diversos autores russos se lançaram no cenário literário mundial com obras não menos do que geniais. Autores como Aleksandr Púchkin, Nikolai Gogol, Ivan Turgueniev, Liev …
tiếng Bồ Đào Nha
Nikolai Gogol: TARAS BULBA – Gogol
Nascido na província de Poltava, atual Ucrânia, Nikolai Vassílievitch Gogol (1809-1852) é considerado o pioneiro da prosa russa moderna, um reconhecimento sustentado pela célebre frase de Fiódor …
tiếng Bồ Đào Nha
Bram Stoker & Mary Shelley: 20 Horror-Klassiker, die man kennen muss
Diese einzigartige Sammlung enthält die größten Horror-Klassiker aller zeiten: Die Maske des Roten Todes (Edgar Allan Poe) Frankenstein (Mary Shelley) Dracula (Bram Stoker) Die Legende von Sleepy …
tiếng Đức
Edgar Allan Poe & A. K. Tolstoi: Die besten Horrorklassiker aller zeiten
Diese Ausgabe enthält die größten Horrorgeschichten aller zeiten, die Klassiker die man kennen muss: Dracula (Bram Stoker) Frankenstein (Mary Shelley) Die Maske des Roten Todes (Edgar Allan Poe) …
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Carlos Heitor Cony & Nikolai Gógol: Taras bulba
EXCLUSIVO EM EBOOK!Sobre Carlos Heitor Cony: Estreou na literatura ganhando por duas vezes consecutivas o Prêmio Manuel Antônio de Almeida. Ganhou em quatro ocasiões o Prêmio Jabuti na categoria …
tiếng Bồ Đào Nha
Ambrose Bierce & Kate Chopin: Top 10 Short Stories – The Twist
Short stories have always been a sort of instant access into an author’s brain, their soul and heart. A few pages can lift our lives into locations, people and experiences with a sweep of landscape, …
Sapper & Josephine Tey: 100 Mystery Classics of World Literature
This unique crime and mystery collection includes the great masterpieces of the mystery every fan of the genre should experience: Edgar Allan Poe: The Murders in the Rue Morgue The Masque of the …
Sapper & Fyodor Dostoyevsky: 100 Masterpieces of Murder Mystery & Detective Fiction
E-artnow presents to you this exceptional crime and mystery collection filled with the greatest classics of the genre: Bleak House (Dickens) Great Expectations (Dickens) Crime and Punishment …
E T A Hoffman & Nikolai Gogol: Dark Love – Short Stories
Love. Perhaps the one word solution for everything. An emotion, a state of mind that we strive for, search for. A wondrous force that binds, inspires, and a force that can spin out of control; …
James Joyce & Julio Cortázar: Los Mejores Cuentos del Mundo
Este es otro volumen de la exitosa Colección Mejores Cuentos, una selección de obras maestras de autores de diversas nacionalidades y con temáticas muy variadas, pero que comparten una cualidad …
tiếng Tây Ban Nha
Bram Stoker & Fjodor Michailowitsch Dostojewski: Kreaturen der Nacht: Die größten Horror-Klassiker
In dieser außergewöhnlichen Sammlung finden Sie die bedeutendsten Horror-Klassiker der Geschichte: Dracula (Bram Stoker) Die Insel des Dr. Moreau (H. G. Wells) Die Familie des Wurdalaken (Alexei …
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Fjodor Michailowitsch Dostojewski & Bram Stoker: Das Reich der Monster: Meisterwerke dunkler Fantasie
In dieser Sammlung finden Sie die bedeutendsten Horrorklassiker – Erzählungen von legendären Monstern, die die Leser seit Generationen fesseln: Dracula (Bram Stoker) Die Insel des Dr. Moreau (H. G. …
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D H Lawrence & Kate Chopin: Inside the Mind of Madness
To have logic, to reason things out, to have a sense of what is and isn’t and what can and can’t is one of the traits we identify with being human.Sad to say that sometimes there are some amongst us …
Nikolai Gogol & Aleksandr Púchkin: Mejores Cuentos Rusos
A partir del siglo XIX, diversos autores rusos se adentraron en el escenario literario mundial con obras nada menos que geniales. Autores como Aleksandr Púchkin, Nikolai Gogol, Ivan Turgueniev, Liev …
tiếng Tây Ban Nha
Saki & Leonid Andreyev: The Great Classics of Russian Literature
The Great Classics of Russian Literature stands as a monumental anthology that captures the essence and diversity of Russian literary genius from the 19th to the early 20th centuries. Including works …
Saki & Leonid Andreyev: The Giants of Russian Literature: The Greatest Russian Novels, Stories, Plays, Folk Tales & Legends
The Giants of Russian Literature: The Greatest Russian Novels, Stories, Plays, Folk Tales & Legends’ encompasses a seminal collection that captures the essence and breadth of Russian literary …
Charles Dickens & Oscar Wilde: Gothic Classics: 60+ Books in One Volume
Gothic Classics: 60+ Books in One Volume is an unprecedented anthology that encapsulates the rich tapestry of the Gothic novel, spanning from its inception in the mid-eighteenth century to its …
Charles Dickens & Oscar Wilde: The Greatest Gothic Classics of All Time
The Greatest Gothic Classics of All Time stands as a monumental anthology that traverses the shadowy corridors and mist-shrouded landscapes of gothic literature, presenting readers with an …
Dante Alighieri & Homer: 100 Meisterwerke der Weltliteratur – Klassiker die man kennen muss
In ‘100 Meisterwerke der Weltliteratur – Klassiker, die man kennen muss’, wird eine eindrucksvolle Bandbreite literarischer Ausdrucksformen von der Antike bis zur Moderne präsentiert. Diese Sammlung …
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Nikolai Gogol: The Nose
Nikolai Gogol’s The Nose is a satirical short story that follows the absurd tale of a St. Petersburg official who wakes up one morning to find that his nose has inexplicably gone missing. Written in …
Dante Alighieri & Homer: Die Meisterwerke der Weltliterature
Diese Anthologie, betitelt ‘Die Meisterwerke der Weltliterature’, präsentiert eine sorgfältig kuratierte Auswahl aus dem Schaffen der herausragendsten Autoren und Denker, die die literarischen und …
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Dante Alighieri & Voltaire: 100 Obras Maestras de la Literatura Universal
‘100 Obras Maestras de la Literatura Universal’ representa una sinfonía literaria de voces, estilos y contextos históricos que abarca desde la Antigüedad hasta el umbral del siglo XXI. Esta colección …
tiếng Tây Ban Nha
Nikolái Gógol: Almas muertas
Almas muertas, escrito por Nikolái Gógol, es una obra maestra de la literatura rusa del siglo XIX. Esta novela satírica revela la corrupción y la hipocresía de la sociedad rusa a través de la …
tiếng Tây Ban Nha
Nikolái Gógol: Almas Muertas
En su obra maestra ‘Almas Muertas’, Nikolái Gógol nos sumerge en la vida de Chíchikov, un hombre en busca de almas muertas, es decir, de campesinos fallecidos cuyos nombres aún figuran en los …
tiếng Tây Ban Nha
Nikolai Gogol: Gesammelte Werke: Romane + Meisternovellen + Kurzgeschichten
Nikolai Gogols ‘Gesammelte Werke: Romane + Meisternovellen + Kurzgeschichten’ ist ein Meisterwerk der russischen Literatur des 19. Jahrhunderts. Die Sammlung enthält einige seiner bekanntesten Werke, …
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Nikolai Gogol: Die toten Seelen – Ein Klassiker der Weltliteratur
Nikolai Gogols Werk ‘Die toten Seelen’ ist ein Meisterwerk der Weltliteratur, das den Leser in eine introspektive und düstere Welt des 19. Jahrhunderts entführt. Die Handlung dreht sich um den …
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Nikolai Gogol: Petersburger Novellen
In seinen ‘Petersburger Novellen’ präsentiert Nikolai Gogol eine Sammlung von Erzählungen, die das Leben in der russischen Gesellschaft des 19. Jahrhunderts einfangen. Gogols literarischer Stil …
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Nikolai Gogol: Das beste von Nikolai Gogol
Nikolai Gogol, ein bedeutender russischer Schriftsteller des 19. Jahrhunderts, präsentiert in ‘Das beste von Nikolai Gogol’ eine Sammlung seiner herausragendsten Werke. Gogols literarischer Stil …
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Nikolai Gogol: Aufzeichnungen eines Wahnsinnigen
In Nikolai Gogols Werk ‘Aufzeichnungen eines Wahnsinnigen’ wird der Leser in eine Welt des Wahnsinns und der Verzweiflung entführt. Das Buch erzählt die Geschichte eines Beamten namens Akaki …
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Nikolai Gogol: Taras Bulba: Geschichte des alten Saporoger Kosaken (Historischer Roman)
In Nikolai Gogols historischem Roman ‘Taras Bulba: Geschichte des alten Saporoger Kosaken’ taucht der Leser tief ein in die Welt der Kosaken und ihrer tapferen Kämpfe. Gogol beschreibt meisterhaft …
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Anton Pawlowitsch Tschechow & Iwan Sergejewitsch Turgenew: Die großen Klassiker der russischen Literatur (30+ Titel in einem Buch)
Die Anthologie ‘Die großen Klassiker der russischen Literatur’ umfasst eine sorgfältige Auswahl von über 30 Meisterwerken, die die Essenz und Tiefe der russischen Seele einfangen. Von den zarten …
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Nikolai Gogol: Die Nase & Der Mantel
Nikolai Gogols Buch ‘Die Nase & Der Mantel’ ist eine Sammlung von zwei seiner berühmtesten Erzählungen, die sowohl satirisch als auch surreal sind. Gogol, einer der bedeutendsten russischen …
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Saki & Leonid Andreyev: The Giants of Russian Literature: The Greatest Russian Novels, Stories, Plays, Folk Tales & Legends
This unique collection of the greatest novesl, short stories & plays in Russian literature has been designed and formatted to the highest digital standards: Introduction: The Rise of the Russian …
Edgar Allan Poe & George Eliot: Top 10 Short Stories – The Unreliable Narrator
Short stories have always been a sort of instant access into an author’s brain, their soul and heart. A few pages can lift our lives into locations, people and experiences with a sweep of landscape, …
E T A Hoffman & Miguel de Cervantes: Top 10 Short Stories – European Gothic
Short stories have always been a sort of instant access into an author’s brain, their soul and heart. A few pages can lift our lives into locations, people and experiences with a sweep of landscape, …
Nikolai Gogol: The Night of Christmas Eve
‘The Night of Christmas Eve’ is a story written by Nikolai Gogol. The story opens with a description of the winter scenery of Dikanka, Ukraine. A witch flies across the night sky and the devil steals …
Homer & Äsop: Die größten Klassiker der Weltliteratur
E-artnow bietet Ihnen eine sorgfältig ausgewählte Kollektion der bedeutendsten Klassiker der Weltliteratur: Englische Meisterwerke: Romeo und Julia (William Shakespeare) Hamlet, Prinz von Dänemark …
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Homer & Äsop: 200 Literarische Meisterwerke der Weltgeschichte
Die Geschichten, die jeder Mensch in seinem Leben erleben sollte – in dieser Sammlung finden Sie die wahren Meisterwerke der Weltliteratur, die bahnbrechenden Bücher, die zeitlosen Klassiker, die …
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Charles Dickens & Oscar Wilde: Gothic Classics: 60+ Books in One Volume
e-artnow present to you a collection of the greatest gothic & macabre classics of all time: Content: Frankenstein The Orphan of the Rhine Nightmare Abbey The Tell-Tale Heart The Fall of the House of …
Nikolai Gogol: The Nose
‘The Nose’ is divided into three parts and tells the story of Collegiate Assessor (‘Major’) Kovalyov, who wakes up one morning without his nose. He later finds out that his nose has developed a life …
Dante Alighieri & Homer: Die Meisterwerke der Weltliterature
In dieser Sammlung finden Sie die wahren Meisterwerke der Weltliteratur, die bahnbrechenden Bücher, die zeitlosen Klassiker, die ewig bewegende Poesie:: Selbstbetrachtungen (Marcus Aurelius) …
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Charles Dickens & Friedrich Schiller: Mystique of the Darkness: 100+ Gothic Classics
e-artnow presents to you our best ever gothic collection, with all the well known classics, all the hidden gems, and lots of surprises for all the fans of chills, darkness and mystery out there. The …
Charles Dickens & Oscar Wilde: The Book of Gothic Tales
e-artnow presents to you this unique and meticulously edited gothic collection: Frankenstein The Orphan of the Rhine Nightmare Abbey The Tell-Tale Heart The Fall of the House of Usher The Cask of …
Charles Dickens & Oscar Wilde: 60 Gothic Classics
e-artnow presents to you this unique and meticulously edited collection of the greatest gothic & macabre classics of all time: Content: Frankenstein The Orphan of the Rhine Nightmare Abbey The …
Nikolai Gogol: Gesammelte Werke von Nikolai Gogol
Dieses e Book wurde mit einem funktionalen Layout erstellt und sorgfältig formatiert. Die Ausgabe ist mit interaktiven Inhalt und Begleitinformationen versehen, einfach zu navigieren und gut …
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Nikolai Gogol: Petersburger Erzählungen
Russischer Schriftsteller Nikolai Gogol (1809-1852) hat seine Petersburger Novellen 1835 in den ‘Arabesken’ zusammengefasst. Mit den Petersburger Erzählungen wandte sich Gogol der nördlichen …
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Nikolai Gogol: Die wichtigsten Werke von Nikolai Gogol
Dieses e Book wurde mit einem funktionalen Layout erstellt und sorgfältig formatiert. Die Ausgabe ist mit interaktiven Inhalt und Begleitinformationen versehen, einfach zu navigieren und gut …
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Nikolai Gogol: Nikolai Gogol: Der Mantel & Die Nase
Die Nase vermischt reale Alltäglichkeiten mit Absurdem: Der Barbier Iwan Jakowlewitsch findet beim Frühstück in seinem Brot eine Nase, die dem 37-jährigen Kollegienassessor Kowaljow gehört, den er …
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Nizida & Wilhelm Hauff: The Light Has Been Broken: 560+ Macabre Classics, Supernatural Mysteries & Dark Tales
e-artnow presents to you this unique collection, designed and formatted to the highest digital standards and adjusted for readability on all devices. Content: Bram Stoker: Dracula The Squaw… John …
Saki & Nizida: Something Wicked: 560+ Horror Classics, Macabre Tales & Supernatural Mysteries
e-artnow presents to you this unique collection, designed and formatted to the highest digital standards and adjusted for readability on all devices. Content: Edgar Allan Poe: The Masque of the Red …
Nizida & Wilhelm Hauff: The Power of Darkness: 560+ Supernatural Thrillers, Macabre Tales & Eerie Mysteries
e-artnow presents to you this unique collection, designed and formatted to the highest digital standards and adjusted for readability on all devices. Content: Supernatural Horror in Literature by H. …
Charles Dickens & Friedrich Schiller: Into Eternal Darkness: 100+ Gothic Classics in One Edition
e-artnow presents to you this unique collection, designed and formatted to the highest digital standards and adjusted for readability on all devices. Content: The Adventures of Ferdinand Count Fathom …
Charles Dickens & Oscar Wilde: The Greatest Gothic Classics
e-artnow presents to you this unique collection, designed and formatted to the highest digital standards and adjusted for readability on all devices. Frankenstein The Orphan of the Rhine Nightmare …
Charles Dickens & Friedrich Schiller: DEEP, DARK & UNSETTLING: 100+ Gothic Classics in One Edition
Who doesn’t love a bit of surprise, danger, eerie atmosphere, and just the right hint of romance! So, here’s presenting to you our best ever gothic collection, with all the well known classics, all …
Charles Dickens & Oscar Wilde: 60 GOTHIC CLASSICS – Boxed Set: Dark Fantasy Novels, Supernatural Mysteries, Horror Tales & Gothic Romances
This meticulously edited collection is formatted for your e Reader with a functional and detailed table of contents: Frankenstein The Orphan of the Rhine Nightmare Abbey The Tell-Tale Heart The Fall …
Saki & Nizida: SINISTER OMENS: 560+ Supernatural Thrillers, Macabre Tales & Eerie Mysteries
There is no better reading sensation than feeling the end of your hair raised in a nail-biting suspense. Here’s presenting you our biggest ever supernatural collection to give you many hours of …
Nizida & Wilhelm Hauff: Beware The Silence: 560+ Horror Classics, Macabre Tales & Supernatural Mysteries
Good Press presents you this meticulously edited horror collection carefully selected gothic classics, greatest supernatural mysteries, ghost stories and macabre tales: Introduction: Supernatural …
Nizida & Wilhelm Hauff: The Horror Beyond Life’s Edge: 560+ Macabre Classics, Supernatural Mysteries & Dark Tales
Are you ready to step over the edge? This grand horror collection contains the greatest supernatural mysteries, gothic novels, dark romances & macabre tales: Bram Stoker: Dracula The Squaw… John …
Nikolai Gogol: Gesammelte Werke von Nikolai Gogol
Dieses e Book wurde mit einem funktionalen Layout erstellt und sorgfältig formatiert. Die Ausgabe ist mit interaktiven Inhalt und Begleitinformationen versehen, einfach zu navigieren und gut …
tiếng Đức
Nikolai Gogol: Aufzeichnungen eines Wahnsinnigen
Aufzeichnungen eines Wahnsinnigen ist eine Erzählung in Form von Tagebucheinträgen des russischen Dichters Nikolai Gogol aus dem Jahre 1835. Dieses Werk ist eines der bekanntesten von Gogol und wird …
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Nikolai Gogol: Petersburger Erzählungen
Russischer Schriftsteller Nikolai Gogol (1809-1852) hat seine Petersburger Novellen 1835 in den ‘Arabesken’ zusammengefasst. Mit den Petersburger Erzählungen wandte sich Gogol der nördlichen …
tiếng Đức
Nikolai Gogol: Die wichtigsten Werke von Nikolai Gogol
Dieses e Book wurde mit einem funktionalen Layout erstellt und sorgfältig formatiert. Die Ausgabe ist mit interaktiven Inhalt und Begleitinformationen versehen, einfach zu navigieren und gut …
tiếng Đức
Nizida & Wilhelm Hauff: The Light Has Been Broken: 560+ Macabre Classics, Supernatural Mysteries & Dark Tales
Good Press presents to you this unique collection, designed and formatted to the highest digital standards and adjusted for readability on all devices. Content: Bram Stoker: Dracula The Squaw… John …
Saki & Nizida: Something Wicked: 560+ Horror Classics, Macabre Tales & Supernatural Mysteries
Good Press presents to you this unique collection, designed and formatted to the highest digital standards and adjusted for readability on all devices. Content: Edgar Allan Poe: The Masque of the Red …
Nizida & Wilhelm Hauff: The Power of Darkness: 560+ Supernatural Thrillers, Macabre Tales & Eerie Mysteries
Good Press presents to you this unique collection, designed and formatted to the highest digital standards and adjusted for readability on all devices. Content: Supernatural Horror in Literature by …
Charles Dickens & Oscar Wilde: 60 Gothic Classics
Good Press presents to you this unique collection, designed and formatted to the highest digital standards and adjusted for readability on all devices. The Castle of Otranto Vathek The Castle of …
Charles Dickens & Friedrich Schiller: Into Eternal Darkness: 100+ Gothic Classics in One Edition
Good Press presents to you this unique collection, designed and formatted to the highest digital standards and adjusted for readability on all devices. Content: The Adventures of Ferdinand Count …
Charles Dickens & Oscar Wilde: The Greatest Gothic Classics
Good Press presents to you this unique collection, designed and formatted to the highest digital standards and adjusted for readability on all devices. Frankenstein The Orphan of the Rhine Nightmare …
Nikolái Gógol: Almas Muertas
Este ebook presenta ‘Almas muertas’, con un índice dinámico y detallado. Es una obra escrita por Nikolái Gógol y publicada en 1842. Se considera por muchos como la primera novela rusa moderna. En …
tiếng Tây Ban Nha
Anton Pawlowitsch Tschechow & Iwan Sergejewitsch Turgenew: Die großen Klassiker der russischen Literatur: 30+ Titel in einem Band
Diese Sammlung der russischen Klassiker wurde mit einem funktionalen Layout erstellt und sorgfältig formatiert. Inhalt: Igorlied (Heldenepos – Übersetzung von Rainer Maria Rilke) Erinnerungen der …
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Saki & Nizida: SINISTER OMENS: 560+ Supernatural Thrillers, Macabre Tales & Eerie Mysteries
SINISTER OMENS: 560+ Supernatural Thrillers, Macabre Tales & Eerie Mysteries stands as a monumental anthology that weaves together a rich tapestry of eerie narratives from the minds of some of the …
Nizida & Wilhelm Hauff: The Horror Beyond Life’s Edge: 560+ Macabre Classics, Supernatural Mysteries & Dark Tales
The Horror Beyond Life’s Edge: 560+ Macabre Classics, Supernatural Mysteries & Dark Tales’ is an unparalleled collection that traverses the dimly lit corridors of the human psyche, delving into …
Nikolai Gogol: Gesammelte Werke von Nikolai Gogol
Die ‘Gesammelten Werke von Nikolai Gogol’ bieten einen tiefen Einblick in das Schaffen des herausragenden russischen Schriftstellers. Gogol ist bekannt für seinen einzigartigen Mix aus Realismus und …
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Nikolai Gogol: Aufzeichnungen eines Wahnsinnigen
In ‘Aufzeichnungen eines Wahnsinnigen’ präsentiert Nikolai Gogol eine faszinierende Geschichte über den geistigen Verfall des Protagonisten. Durch die Verwendung eines Tagebuchformats ermöglicht …
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Nikolai Gogol: Petersburger Erzählungen
Die ‘Petersburger Erzählungen’ von Nikolai Gogol sind eine Sammlung von fünf Kurzgeschichten, die das Leben und die Kultur in St. Petersburg des 19. Jahrhunderts einfangen. Gogols literarischer Stil …
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Nikolai Gogol: Die wichtigsten Werke von Nikolai Gogol
Nikolai Gogol, einer der bedeutendsten Schriftsteller des 19. Jahrhunderts, präsentiert in seinem Werk ‘Die wichtigsten Werke von Nikolai Gogol’ eine Sammlung seiner bekanntesten Werke. Gogol’s …
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Nikolai Gogol: Nikolai Gogol: Der Mantel & Die Nase
In Nikolai Gogols Buch ‘Der Mantel & Die Nase’ werden die Leser in eine Welt des surrealen Realismus eingeführt, in der die Grenzen zwischen Fantasie und Realität verschwimmen. Der Autor präsentiert …
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Nizida & Wilhelm Hauff: The Light Has Been Broken: 560+ Macabre Classics, Supernatural Mysteries & Dark Tales
The Light Has Been Broken: 560+ Macabre Classics, Supernatural Mysteries & Dark Tales offers a sweeping panorama of the eerie, the Gothic, and the supernatural as conceptualized across centuries and …
Saki & Nizida: Something Wicked: 560+ Horror Classics, Macabre Tales & Supernatural Mysteries
‘Something Wicked: 560+ Horror Classics, Macabre Tales & Supernatural Mysteries’ stands as a monumental anthology, featuring an unprecedented collection of stories that delve into the depths of the …
Nizida & Wilhelm Hauff: The Power of Darkness: 560+ Supernatural Thrillers, Macabre Tales & Eerie Mysteries
The Power of Darkness: 560+ Supernatural Thrillers, Macabre Tales & Eerie Mysteries encompasses an extensive and diverse array of narratives, bringing together the sinister, the uncanny, and the …
Charles Dickens & Oscar Wilde: 60 Gothic Classics
Spanning the eerie valleys of gothic fiction, ’60 Gothic Classics’ invites readers into a collection fraught with the sublime and the supernatural. Within its pages, the anthology weaves a tapestry …
Charles Dickens & Friedrich Schiller: Into Eternal Darkness: 100+ Gothic Classics in One Edition
Into Eternal Darkness: 100+ Gothic Classics in One Edition represents a comprehensive foray into the dark, the macabre, and the supernatural, encapsulating a remarkable diversity of styles and themes …
Charles Dickens & Oscar Wilde: The Greatest Gothic Classics
The Greatest Gothic Classics serves as a monumental anthology that amalgamates the most profound works from the masters of Gothic literature. Within its pages, readers will find a fascinating range …
Nikolái Gógol: Almas Muertas
La obra ‘Almas Muertas’, escrita por Nikolái Gógol, es una pieza literaria fundamental que aborda temas como la lucha entre el bien y el mal, la corrupción y la sociedad rusa del siglo XIX. Gógol …
tiếng Tây Ban Nha
Anton Pawlowitsch Tschechow & Iwan Sergejewitsch Turgenew: Die großen Klassiker der russischen Literatur: 30+ Titel in einem Band
In ‘Die großen Klassiker der russischen Literatur: 30+ Titel in einem Band’ vereinen sich Werke von erstrangiger literarischer und kultureller Bedeutung, die von einigen der renommiertesten Autoren …
tiếng Đức
Saki & Leonid Andreyev: The Great Classics of Russian Literature
Come along on a very Russian adventure with the greatest classics the world has ever known! This meticulously edited collection is formatted for your e Reader with a functional and detailed table of …
Saki & Leonid Andreyev: The Giants of Russian Literature: The Greatest Russian Novels, Stories, Plays, Folk Tales & Legends
This unique collection of the greatest novesl, short stories & plays in Russian literature has been designed and formatted to the highest digital standards: Introduction: The Rise of the Russian …
Charles Dickens & Oscar Wilde: Gothic Classics: 60+ Books in One Volume
Good Press present to you a collection of the greatest gothic & macabre classics of all time: Content: Frankenstein The Orphan of the Rhine Nightmare Abbey The Tell-Tale Heart The Fall of the House …
Charles Dickens & Oscar Wilde: The Greatest Gothic Classics of All Time
Good Press present to you this meticulously edited collection of the greatest gothic & macabre classics of all time: Content: Frankenstein The Orphan of the Rhine Nightmare Abbey The Tell-Tale Heart …
Dante Alighieri & Homer: 100 Meisterwerke der Weltliteratur – Klassiker die man kennen muss
Die Geschichten, die jeder Mensch in seinem Leben erleben sollte – in dieser Sammlung finden Sie die wahren Meisterwerke der Weltliteratur, die bahnbrechenden Bücher, die zeitlosen Klassiker, die …
tiếng Đức
Dante Alighieri & Homer: Die Meisterwerke der Weltliterature
In dieser Sammlung finden Sie die wahren Meisterwerke der Weltliteratur, die bahnbrechenden Bücher, die zeitlosen Klassiker, die ewig bewegende Poesie:: Selbstbetrachtungen (Marcus Aurelius) …
tiếng Đức
Dante Alighieri & Voltaire: 100 Obras Maestras de la Literatura Universal
Esta colección presenta las obras más influyentes de la literatura mundial. Contenido: La Ilíada y La Odisea Edipo Rey El Banquete Metafísica La metamorfosis De la Brevedad de la Vida Las Confesiones …
tiếng Tây Ban Nha
Nizida & Wilhelm Hauff: Beware The Silence
Good Press Publishing presents you this meticulously edited horror collection carefully selected gothic classics, greatest supernatural mysteries, ghost stories and macabre tales:_x000D_ …
Charles Dickens & Friedrich Schiller: Mystique of the Darkness: 100+ Gothic Classics
Good Press presents to you our best ever gothic collection, with all the well known classics, all the hidden gems, and lots of surprises for all the fans of chills, darkness and mystery out there. …
Charles Dickens & Oscar Wilde: The Book of Gothic Tales
Good Press presents to you this unique and meticulously edited gothic collection: Frankenstein The Orphan of the Rhine Nightmare Abbey The Tell-Tale Heart The Fall of the House of Usher The Cask of …
Charles Dickens & Oscar Wilde: 60 Gothic Classics
Good Press presents to you this unique and meticulously edited collection of the greatest gothic & macabre classics of all time: Content: Frankenstein The Orphan of the Rhine Nightmare Abbey The …
Nikolái Gógol: Almas Muertas
Este ebook presenta ‘Almas muertas’, con un índice dinámico y detallado. Es una obra escrita por Nikolái Gógol y publicada en 1842. Se considera por muchos como la primera novela rusa moderna. En …
tiếng Tây Ban Nha
Nikolai Gogol: Gesammelte Werke: Romane + Meisternovellen + Kurzgeschichten
Dieses e Book: ‘Gesammelte Werke: Romane + Meisternovellen + Kurzgeschichten’ ist mit einem detaillierten und dynamischen Inhaltsverzeichnis versehen und wurde sorgfältig korrekturgelesen. Nikolai …
tiếng Đức
Nikolai Gogol: Die toten Seelen – Ein Klassiker der Weltliteratur
Dieses e Book: ‘Die toten Seelen – Ein Klassiker der Weltliteratur’ ist mit einem detaillierten und dynamischen Inhaltsverzeichnis versehen und wurde sorgfältig korrekturgelesen. Die toten Seelen ist …
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Nikolai Gogol: Petersburger Novellen
Dieses e Book: ‘Petersburger Novellen’ ist mit einem detaillierten und dynamischen Inhaltsverzeichnis versehen und wurde sorgfältig korrekturgelesen. Russischer Schriftsteller Nikolai Gogol …
tiếng Đức
Nikolai Gogol: Das beste von Nikolai Gogol
Dieses e Book: ‘Das beste von Nikolai Gogol’ ist mit einem detaillierten und dynamischen Inhaltsverzeichnis versehen und wurde sorgfältig korrekturgelesen. Nikolai Gogol (1809-1852) war ein …
tiếng Đức
Nikolai Gogol: Aufzeichnungen eines Wahnsinnigen
Dieses e Book: ‘Aufzeichnungen eines Wahnsinnigen’ ist mit einem detaillierten und dynamischen Inhaltsverzeichnis versehen und wurde sorgfältig korrekturgelesen. Aufzeichnungen eines Wahnsinnigen ist …
tiếng Đức
Nikolai Gogol: Taras Bulba: Geschichte des alten Saporoger Kosaken (Historischer Roman)
Dieses e Book: ‘Taras Bulba: Geschichte des alten Saporoger Kosaken (Historischer Roman)’ ist mit einem detaillierten und dynamischen Inhaltsverzeichnis versehen und wurde sorgfältig …
tiếng Đức
Nikolái Gógol: Almas muertas
Este ebook presenta ‘Almas muertas’, con un índice dinámico y detallado. Es una obra escrita por Nikolái Gógol y publicada en 1842. Se considera por muchos como la primera novela rusa moderna. En …
tiếng Tây Ban Nha
Nikolai Gogol: Nikolai Gogol: Der Mantel & Die Nase
Die Nase vermischt reale Alltäglichkeiten mit Absurdem: Der Barbier Iwan Jakowlewitsch findet beim Frühstück in seinem Brot eine Nase, die dem 37-jährigen Kollegienassessor Kowaljow gehört, den er …
tiếng Đức
Charles Dickens & Friedrich Schiller: DEEP, DARK & UNSETTLING: 100+ Gothic Classics in One Edition
DEEP, DARK & UNSETTLING: 100+ Gothic Classics in One Edition presents a rich tapestry of Gothic literature, encompassing a wide range of themes from the macabre to the mysterious, and styles from the …
Charles Dickens & Oscar Wilde: 60 GOTHIC CLASSICS
60 GOTHIC CLASSICS is an unparalleled anthology that brings together the most influential works in the gothic literary tradition, spanning from the sublime to the horrific, and everything in between. …
Anton Pawlowitsch Tschechow & Iwan Sergejewitsch Turgenew: Die großen Klassiker der russischen Literatur (30+ Titel in einem Buch)
Dieses e Book: ‘Die großen Klassiker der russischen Literatur (30+ Titel in einem Buch)’ ist mit einem detaillierten und dynamischen Inhaltsverzeichnis versehen und wurde sorgfältig korrekturgelesen. …
tiếng Đức
Nikolai Gogol: Die Nase & Der Mantel
Dieses e Book: ‘Die Nase & Der Mantel’ ist mit einem detaillierten und dynamischen Inhaltsverzeichnis versehen und wurde sorgfältig korrekturgelesen. Die Nase vermischt reale Alltäglichkeiten mit …
tiếng Đức
Moliere & Voltaire: 200 Meisterwerke der Literaturgeschichte
E-artnow bietet Ihnen eine sorgfältig ausgewählte Sammlung der größten Klassiker der Weltliteratur: Englische Meisterwerke: Romeo und Julia (William Shakespeare) Hamlet, Prinz von Dänemark …
tiếng Đức
Nikolai Gogol & Anton Tschechow: Meistererzählungen der russischen Literatur
Diese Sammlung umfasst Meisternovellen der russischen Literatur, die von gesellschaftlicher Satire bis zu tiefen psychologischen Einblicken reichen. Es sind Geschichten, die jeder Mensch in seinem …
tiếng Đức
Fjodor M. Dostojewski & Nikolai Gogol: Die besten Kurzgeschichten aus Russland
E-artnow präsentiert Ihnen diese einzigartige Sammlung der bedeutendsten Novellen und Kurzgeschichten aus der russischen Literatur: Alexander Sergejewitsch Puschkin Die Pique-Dame Der Postmeister …
tiếng Đức
Stendhal & Franz Kafka: Meisternovellen der Literatur – Klassiker, die man kennen muss
Diese Sammlung umfasst Meisternovellen der Weltliteratur, die von gesellschaftlicher Satire bis zu tiefen psychologischen Einblicken reichen. Es sind Geschichten, die jeder Mensch in seinem Leben …
tiếng Đức
Stendhal & Fjodor M. Dostojewski: Die Meistererzählungen der Weltliteratur
E-artnow präsentiert Ihnen diese einzigartige Sammlung der bedeutendsten Novellen und Kurzgeschichten der Weltliteratur: Diese Sammlung enthält: Die Nase (Nikolai Gogol) Das Porträt (Nikolai …
tiếng Đức
Moliere & Fjodor Michailowitsch Dostojewski: Die größten Meisterwerke der Weltliteratur
Die Geschichten, die jeder in seinem Leben erleben sollte – in dieser Sammlung entdecken Sie die echten Meisterwerke der Weltliteratur, die richtungsweisenden Bücher, die zeitlosen Klassiker und die …
tiếng Đức
Nikolai Gogol: Selected Tales (The Norton Library)
In a new translation by Michael R. Katz (acclaimed translator of Dostoevsky’s Crime and Punishment), exclusively available through the Norton Library, Selected Tales presents a collection of Nikolai …
Voltaire & Jaroslav Hašek: Die größten Klassiker der Satire
E-artnow präsentiert die größten Klassiker der Satire in der Weltliteratur. Bis heute wird die tiefere Wahrheit oft am besten mit einer Prise Ironie akzeptiert, diskutiert und verarbeitet. Unter dem …
tiếng Đức
Voltaire & Jaroslav Hašek: Lachen gegen die Dunkelheit – Meisterwerke der Satire
E-artnow stellt die bedeutendsten satirischen Werke der Weltliteratur vor. Die subtilere Wahrheit wird bis heute oft am besten durch Ironie vermittelt, diskutiert und verstanden. Hinter dem Vorhang …
tiếng Đức
Aischylos & Sophokles: Die größten Dramen der Weltliteratur
E-artnow präsentiert Ihnen die größten Klassiker des Theaters. Von antiken griechischen Stücken bis hin zu modernen Dramen, diese Meisterwerke werden immer noch in den Theatern der Welt aufgeführt. …
tiếng Đức
Nikolai Gogol & Lew Tolstoi: Die größten Klassiker der russischen Literatur: Dramen
E-artnow präsentiert Ihnen die größten Theaterklassiker der russischen Literatur, Meisterwerke, die bis heute weltweit auf Theaterbühnen lebendig bleiben. Sie bringen Themen und Charaktere auf die …
tiếng Đức
Bram Stoker & Mary Shelley: Fantasie der Finsternis: Meisterhafte Gruselgeschichten
E-artnow präsentiert Ihnen die Meister des Horrors, die Schöpfer der Albträume – die größten Geschichten von Monstern, Kreaturen der Nacht, übernatürlichen Welten, schwarzer Magie und Angst: Der …
tiếng Đức
Nikolai Gogol & Fjodor M. Dostojewski: Phantastische Erzählungen aus Russland: Ein Sammelband
E-artnow präsentiert Ihnen die Fantasiewelten russischer Meister, die von fantastischen, gesellschaftskritischen Satiren sowie dunklen und komischen Ereignissen in magischen Räumen erzählen. Dies …
tiếng Đức
Fjodor M. Dostojewski & A. K. Tolstoi: Meisterwerke russischer Phantastik
E-artnow präsentiert die Klassiker der russischen Phantastik, die größten Werke russischer Meister – von magischen, gesellschaftskritischen Satiren bis hin zu märchenhaften Geschichten, die als …
tiếng Đức
Edgar Allan Poe & E. T. A. Hoffmann: Phantastische Erzählungen: Ein Sammelband
E-artnow präsentiert Ihnen die Anthologie der Meisterwerke der Phantastik. Diese Ausgabe enthält Klassiker von Meisterschriftstellern – die Erzählungen von Spukhäusern, verzauberten Gegenständen und …
tiếng Đức
Edgar Allan Poe & Nikolai Gogol: Schauerliche Welten: Meisterwerke dunkler Fantasie
E-artnow präsentiert Ihnen die Meister des Horrors, die Schöpfer von Albträumen, die größten Klassiker der dunklen Phantasie: Der Untergang des Hauses Usher (Edgar Allan Poe) Die Maske des Roten …
tiếng Đức
E. T. A. Hoffmann & Edgar Allan Poe: Mystische Geschichten: Meisterwerke der Fantasie
Diese außergewöhnliche Anthologie versammelt die bedeutendsten Werke der Horror- und Fantasy-Literatur. In dieser sorgfältig zusammengestellten Sammlung finden Sie zeitlose Klassiker von …
tiếng Đức
Anton Tschechow & Nikolai Gogol: Die größten russischen Theaterstücke
E-artnow präsentiert Ihnen die größten Theaterklassiker der russischen Literatur. Diese Meisterwerke erleben immer noch weltweite Aufführungen in Theatern. Sie präsentieren Themen und Charaktere, die …
tiếng Đức
Lew Tolstoi & Nikolai Gogol: Die größten Klassiker der russischen Literatur: Dramen
E-artnow präsentiert Ihnen die größten Theaterklassiker der russischen Literatur, Meisterwerke, die bis heute weltweit auf Theaterbühnen lebendig bleiben. Sie bringen Themen und Charaktere auf die …
tiếng Đức
Aischylos & Sophokles: Die besten Dramen aller Zeiten
E-artnow präsentiert Ihnen die größten Dramen der Weltliteratur, Meisterwerke, die bis heute weltweit auf Theaterbühnen lebendig bleiben. Sie bringen Themen und Charaktere auf die Bühne, die das …
tiếng Đức
Euripides & Aischylos: Die großen Dramen der Geschichte: Meisterwerke der Bühne
E-artnow präsentiert Ihnen die größten Dramen der Weltliteratur. Diese Meisterwerke erleben immer noch weltweite Aufführungen in Theatern. Sie präsentieren Themen und Charaktere, die das Publikum …
tiếng Đức
Lew Tolstoi & Fjodor Michailowitsch Dostojewski: Die größten Klassiker der russischen Literatur: Romane
E-artnow präsentiert Ihnen die größten Romane der russischen Literatur – Meisterwerke, die man kennen und erleben sollte: Eugen Onegin (Alexander Sergejewitsch Puschkin) Ein Held unserer Zeit …
tiếng Đức
Fyodor Dostoevsky & Ivan Goncharov: 8 Classic Russian Novels You Should Read
This collection contains the following classic Russian novels: – Dead Souls by Nikolai Gogol – Oblomov by Ivan Goncharov – Fathers and Sons by Ivan Turgenev – Crime and Punishment by Fyodor …
Fjodor Michailowitsch Dostojewski & Alexander Sergejewitsch Puschkin: Die größten Romane der russischen Literatur
Die Geschichten von tragischen Lieben, Helden des Schlachtfelds, sozialer Ungerechtigkeit und die besten Darstellungen der Komplexität der menschlichen Psyche – in dieser Sammlung finden Sie die …
tiếng Đức
Alexander Sergejewitsch Puschkin & Lew Tolstoi: Meisterromane der russischen Literatur
Entdecken Sie die faszinierenden Geschichten tragischer Liebe, mutiger Schlachtfeldhelden, tiefgreifender sozialer Ungerechtigkeit und eindrucksvoller Einblicke in die Komplexität der menschlichen …
tiếng Đức
Nikolai Gogol: Gogol Three Plays
This collection contains Gogol”s three completed plays The Government Inspector, which satirises a corrupt society was regarded by Nabokov as the greatest play in the Russian language and is …
Nikolai Gogol: Gogol Three Plays
This collection contains Gogol”s three completed plays The Government Inspector, which satirises a corrupt society was regarded by Nabokov as the greatest play in the Russian language and is …
Gogol Nikolai Gogol: Government Inspector
This version of A Government Inspector is a Yorkshire take on Gogol’s 1836 fantastical Russian satire. The setting is here transposed to a small northern town in the twenty-first century, …
Gogol Nikolai Gogol: Government Inspector
This version of A Government Inspector is a Yorkshire take on Gogol’s 1836 fantastical Russian satire. The setting is here transposed to a small northern town in the twenty-first century, …
Nikolai Gogol: Taras Bulba
"Taras Bulba" by Nikolai Gogol is a historical novella set in 16th-century Ukraine. It follows the exploits of the Cossack warrior Taras Bulba and his two sons, Andriy and Ostap. The …
Ngôn ngữ Nga
Nikolai Gogol: Nose
"The Nose" by Nikolai Gogol is a satirical short story that follows Collegiate Assessor Kovalyov, who wakes up one day to discover that his nose has inexplicably vanished. Even more …
Ngôn ngữ Nga
Nikolai Gogol: Overcoat
"The Overcoat" follows the life of Akaky Akakievich, a low-ranking civil servant, who leads a mundane existence. When he decides to invest in a new overcoat, his life takes an unexpected …
Ngôn ngữ Nga
Nikolai Gogol: Government Inspector
In "The Government Inspector, " Gogol satirizes corruption and incompetence in a small Russian town. Mistaking a lowly clerk for a high-ranking government official, the townspeople go to …
Ngôn ngữ Nga
Nikolai Gogol: Diary of a Madman
"Diary of a Madman" by Nikolai Gogol is a darkly comedic tale narrated by Poprishchin, a low-ranking civil servant who descends into madness. His diary reveals a skewed perception of …
Ngôn ngữ Nga
Nikolai Gogol: Nose
"The Nose" by Nikolai Gogol is a satirical short story that follows Collegiate Assessor Kovalyov, who wakes up one day to discover that his nose has inexplicably vanished. Even more …
Nikolai Gogol: Overcoat
"The Overcoat" follows the life of Akaky Akakievich, a low-ranking civil servant, who leads a mundane existence. When he decides to invest in a new overcoat, his life takes an unexpected …
Nikolai Gogol: Der Mantel
"Der Mantel" follows the life of Akaky Akakievich, a low-ranking civil servant, who leads a mundane existence. When he decides to invest in a new overcoat, his life takes an unexpected …
tiếng Đức
Nikolai Gogol: Wij
"Wij" by Nikolai Gogol is a haunting tale that delves into the supernatural. The story follows Khoma, a skeptical seminary student, who is tasked with saying prayers over the deceased witch …
tiếng Đức
Nikolai Gogol: Tarass Bulba
"Tarass Bulba" by Nikolai Gogol is a historical novella set in 16th-century Ukraine. It follows the exploits of the Cossack warrior Taras Bulba and his two sons, Andriy and Ostap. The …
tiếng Đức
Nikolai Gogol: Nikolai Gogol – A Short Story Collection
Nikolai Vasilievich Gogol was born on 1st April 1809 to a father, descended from Ukrainian Cossacks and a mother with a military background in the Ukrainian town of Sorochyntsi, then part of the …
Joseph Conrad & Mikhail Bulgakov: Born in the Ukraine – A Short Story Collection
Between Russia and Europe warily sits Ukraine. Her recent history has been, and will continue to be, undeniably grim and torturous as its larger bullying neighbour attempts to subjugate her …
Nikolai Gogol: Memoirs of a Madman
‘Memoirs of a Madman’ is a fascinating short following Poprishchin, a minor civil servant, as he descends into insanity. Unique in Golgol’s collection, it is the only story he wrote completely from …
Nikolai Gogol: Taras Bulba
‘Taras Bulbas’ is a literary epic following an older Cossack named Taras Bulba who takes his sons to war with him against the Poles who rule all of Ukraine. It is a piece of romantic nationalism, …
Nikolai Gogol: Nenä
Pietarilaisen parturi Jakovlevitšin aamu alkaa ikävällä yllätyksellä. Hän nimittäin löytää aamiaisleipänsä sisältä nenän. Nenä kuuluu kollegioasessori Kovaljoville, joka tuntee olonsa kaikin puolin …
tiếng Phần lan
Nikolai Gogol: Riita
Ivan Ivanovitsh ja Ivan Nikiforovitsh ovat naapurit ja hyvät ystävät. Naapurusten välille syntyy kuitenkin riitaa varsin mitättömästä asiasta. Vaikka kaipuu toisen seuraan on suuri, ei kumpikaan ole …
tiếng Phần lan
Nikolai Gogol: Kuolleet sielut
Kollegineuvos Tshitshikow kiertää 1800-luvun venäläistä maaseutua erikoisella asialla. Hän nimittäin pyrkii ostamaan maanomistajilta ‘kuolleita sieluja’, eli henkikirjoihin jääneitä kuolleita …
tiếng Phần lan
Nikolai Gogol: How the Two Ivans Quarrelled
The last story from the "Mirgorod" cycle, here Gogol presents two landowners deadlocked in an argument over a Turkish rifle, a brown pig, and a goose insult. What results is a playful …
Nikolai Gogol: Taras Bulba
Taras Bulballe on kunnia-asia, että hänen pojistaan tulee isänsä tapaan menestyneitä kasakoita. Tavoitteeseen päästäkseen Bulba suuntaa poikiensa Ostapin ja Andrein kanssa kasakoiden leirikaupunkiin …
tiếng Phần lan
Fyodor Dostoevsky & Ivan Goncharov: 8 Classic Russian Novels You Should Read
This collection contains the following classic Russian novels: – Dead Souls by Nikolai Gogol – Oblomov by Ivan Goncharov – Fathers and Sons by Ivan Turgenev – Crime and Punishment by Fyodor …
Leo Tolstoy & Nikolai Gogol: 8 Classic Russian Novels You Should Read
This collection contains the following classic Russian novels: – Dead Souls by Nikolai Gogol – Oblomov by Ivan Goncharov – Fathers and Sons by Ivan Turgenev – Crime and Punishment by Fyodor …
Nikolai Gogol: Die toten Seelen
Die Geschichte folgt den Taten Pawel Iwanowitsch Tschitschikows, eines Herren mittleren Alters und mittlerer sozialer Schicht. Tschitschikow kommt in einem nicht namentlich genannten kleinen …
tiếng Đức
Nikolai Gogol: Inspector General
Listed among the most beloved Russian plays, "The Inspector General" is a vivid portrayal of human greed and foolishness. Savagely criticizing the political corruption of Imperial Russia, …
Nikolai Gogol: Terrible Vengeance
A sorcerer. Nightmares. Secrets. Not the usual components of a love story but Nikolai Gogol’s short horror story follows the love story of Danilo and Katerina as they deal with the presence of an …
Nikolai Gogol: La Missive Perdue
Chargé de remettre une missive à la Czarine, un homme est perturbé par des sorcières et des monstres lors de son voyage. Réussira-t-il à livrer ce message ? Fluide et inventif, ce récit est un …
tiếng Pháp
Nikolai Gogol: Dead Souls
Nikolai Gogol’s novel Dead Souls is one of the best-known pieces of 19th-century Russian literature. Chichikov is a mysterious man, who arrives at a small town with a strange plan of acquiring …
Nikolai Gogol: Collected Stories
Teeming with dark humour, supernatural elements, and hard-to-believe situations, Nikolai Gogol’s "Collected Stories" is a highest form of short story fiction. With stories like "The …
Nikolai Gogol: Il pastrano
Deriso ed emarginato da tutti i suoi colleghi, il funzionario del ministero Akakij Akakievic si troverà in difficoltà quando, dovendo comprare un nuovo cappotto, realizzerà che i prezzi di San …
tiếng Ý
Nikolai Gogol: Tarass Bulba
Ostap e Andreij, i figli di un potente patriarca cosacco, sono di ritorno dall”Accademia. Il padre, Tarass Bulba, deciderà di portarli al fronte in Polonia per temprare una volta per tutte le loro …
tiếng Ý
Nikolai Gogol: La Place ensorcelée
Un jour, un vieil homme rencontre dans son champ de melons d”anciens amis tchoumaks, des voyageurs qui transportent du sel et du poisson. Enchanté de les revoir, il les invite dans sa chaumière.On …
tiếng Pháp
Nikolai Gogol: DEAD SOULS – Gogol
Nikolái Vasílievich Gogol, sometimes adapted in Spanish as Nicolás Gógol (1809 – 1852), was a Russian writer of Ukrainian origin. He cultivated various genres but was notably known as a playwright, …
Stendhal & Fjodor M. Dostojewski: Zwischen Religion und Rationalität: Meisterwerke der Literatur
Diese Ausgabe erforscht den tiefsten Konflikt zwischen Glauben und rationalem Denken, sowie die Dunkelheit der Realität, die unsere Glauben in Frage stellt. Dieser Kampf um die Versöhnung von …
tiếng Đức
Stendhal & Victor Hugo: Literarische Brücken zwischen Glauben und Logik: Ausgewählte Romane
Diese Ausgabe erkundet den tiefgreifenden Konflikt zwischen Glauben und rationalem Denken. Diese einzigartige Sammlung enthält die großen Klassiker der Weltliteratur: Väter und Söhne (Iwan …
tiếng Đức
Nikolai gogol: Dead souls(Illustrated)
  • Illustrated Edition: Includes 20 meticulously crafted illustrations, each capturing the essence of every chapter.
  • Comprehensive Character List: A detailed guide to the …